View Full Version : Phlebitis

05-05-11, 19:24
Hi everyone,
im in a bit of a panic here, my gran came to see me to day and said the doc told her she has Phlebitis!!!!!
She has a hard swollen lump just below her knee the doc gave her pills to take and they put a large stocking/bandage on her leg from her foot to her thigh.
Of course i just looked it up and to my horror its linked to DVT and my gran is 77 and has been through so much in her life its just horrendous.
She also lost her daughter, my mum 3 years ago and omg i am now terrifed i am going to loose her too.


i cant cope with this

05-05-11, 22:11
Don't worry phlebitis is inflammation of the peripheral veins in your leg not the deep veins which is what deep vein thrombosis is. Loads and loads of older people have phlebitis and it does not mean they will get a dvt but just that they need treatment for it as there can be complications if left untreated usually infection setting in.

05-05-11, 22:35

i had phlebitis when preg with my second child, i rushed to docs thinking it was a clot at back of my leg behind knee but he told me not to worry, i had to take painkillers and gave me a stocking, the swelling/lump has gone down and does not bother me at all now and thats coming from me who worries to death about everything!lol:blush:

Im sure it will be fine xxxxx

06-05-11, 19:02
oh thanks guys, i really was so worried about her.

thanks again