View Full Version : bladder worry

05-05-11, 19:38
Hi i have been having this strange feeling at my bladder for about 5 days now.It feels like there is pressure on my bladder or just something going on if that makes sense.Also feel when i go to toilet i dont feel i empty it fully but there is no pain or burning .I just feel like this constant l fluttering ,its hard to describe like its irrateted .I went to doc and he checked urine sample and said no protein or glucose.I told him its like cytitis but not ,i know thats sounds mad but its hard to explain.He said it sounds like a overactive bladder due to nerves.Also i have the constant trapped wind pob just now i was wondering is it linked to that.Has anyone else had these sensations with there bladder.kind regards molly xx

05-05-11, 19:58
I get the same thing, tests came back clear too, it goes away on its own, i find lots of water and canberry juice helps a bit

05-05-11, 19:58
yes Molly .......I had same symptoms a long time ago .
got sent for urodynamic tests .............and all clear.
the feeling went eventually . so can only guess that it was the demon anxiety yet again .
take care xx

05-05-11, 20:10
Thanks guys .It feels like my bladder is contracting .I had a shooting pain in that area earlier but think it was wind .I have been to the toilet constantly tonight and still dont feel like its relieved it.I was thinking it maybe is anxiety related cos i notice i am always holding myself tense around that area all the time.Ive had it over 5 days now.God knows just sick of having something else to worry abot.thanks again.kind regards molly xx

06-05-11, 06:48
Anyone else ?

06-05-11, 10:12
i suffered with really bad trapped wind for months and while i had it i had bladder problems to. i felt like i had a pressure to wee all the time and would sometimes leak if i passed wind. it was really uncomfortable but it passed when the trapped wind eased off. i put it down to the trapped wind putting pressure on my bladder don't know if this was the case but it seemed like it at the time. hope this helps.

tracey x

06-05-11, 11:43
Hi thank you ,there may be someting in that about the trapped wind,Its as if my bladder is pulsing or contracting .Also it is worse when i sit down and feel the need to go all the time its awful .thanks agin kind regards mollyxx

06-05-11, 17:21
My ibs when it flares up makes me constantly pee every hour then my left leg feels numb for some reason then all the stomach gurgling starts and the bloated feeling then its a mad dash for a runny pooh (tmi sorry!)
Not sure if this is the same thing but it happens to me a few times a year at least .

Princess Sparkle
06-05-11, 19:01
i suffered with really bad trapped wind for months and while i had it i had bladder problems to. i felt like i had a pressure to wee all the time

I've had this off and on over the past three weeks too. I've been suffering from what I think might be IBS-related symptoms, so could it be IBS you're suffering with, Molly?

I've had days when I've needed to wee four or five times in an hour and it's usually been when I've had a lot of trapped wind and, like rosebud said, it feels like there is pressure to wee all the time, which I too think must be due to the wind.

I'm having a lot of trouble with trapped wind and tummy pains right now and it's worse when I'm sitting down, so there seems to be a definite link here!

06-05-11, 20:37
Hi thanks guys ,yes maybe it is linked to wind.Tonight i just have this constant feeling like my bladder is contracting or pulsing if that makes sense and need too go every 10 minutes ,i feel as if there is something not quite right with my bladder .Mines seems worse when sitting to like its contracting more.It feels like a bladder infection but its not .thanks again kind regards molly xx

15-02-12, 06:17
I'm having the same problem as Molly36, I notice this post was from last summer, but I was just curious as if you figured out the cause of you bladder issue and if it went away or not? I'm really worried about it and am trying to find other with the same. Thanks!

15-02-12, 09:02
Hi I've had the same problem for about 4 months when my health anxiety got bad, I've had every test done i.e. urine culture, blood tests, ultra sound of pelvic area and kidneys and cystoscopy, all of them clear, but I do notice the problem comes and goes depending on how anxious I am, so I defo think it's anxiety related! X

volcanic ash
24-09-17, 16:11
Remember folks,the more you concentrate on these bladder sensations,the worse they become! The same goes for anywhere in the body! I have had chronic health anxiety since age 11. I am 73 now. It never goes away,but you have just got to live with it like I have done all these years. Keep busy. Never give in. Talk to it if you can. It will lessen in intensity if you ask it just what it thinks it is doing! I call mine the " scum" Small letters mind you. It does not deserve capitals! It can get very scary. I am afraid of doctors and tests. I just get on with my life through varying levels of anxiety and worry as each day goes by. I cycle every day, I am a rock musician full time. This year I have played in Singapore, Australia France, England and next month Wales. I never give in. Neither does the scum,but their is really no parole from rock and roll! Try learning guitar or harmonica. Both life savers for me. Take heart all you dear friends. You are not alone,and what is more,it is not your fault. Volcanic Ash