View Full Version : I've been re-born thanks to venlafaxine!

05-05-11, 19:42
Sounds cheesy, but it's true. I've been on 75mg for just over a month now and I'm a totally different person. :D
I unlike many others can't compare myself to an 'old self' because I've suffered since I was a young teenager, I'm 21 now and finally feel I can start living my life properly.
I'm happy in work, it's easier seeing friends, I've joined a gym and I feel ready for a relationship.
I know it might not last forever, and I know the dark cloud of mood swings and depression may settle over me again one day, I now live in the present, not the past or future.
I feel glad to be alive, and I couldn't be happier!

I'm seeing my doctor on Monday and I can't wait to tell him how the tablets have helped me. Some people may find it strange or even wrong that all it takes and what it takes for me to live life is 1 small tablet each morning. But I don't care, I've come to accept I may be on some form of medication now for the rest of my life. However if the rest of my life is as good, or even better than it is now, I'm happy to take it.

Long winded but I felt I had to get it out to some people who could appreciate it and that there is hope out there, even I didn't believe that a few months ago!

05-05-11, 19:54
hello :)

Lizzie.................I AM SO PLEASED .
cant say more really other than I know that feeling . a life saver .

06-05-11, 21:28
Damn! That sounds amazing! Sometimes I feel confused as to whether or not I should try medication. I can feel pretty good in myself through different natural methods but it is time consuming and even then I still have social anxiety which is having a big impact on my work life.

Most stories I hear seem to be negative regarding medication but I didn't think they could be that good! Are you having side effects?

06-05-11, 21:56
The only side effects are abit of a dry mouth/throat which isn't bad and a loss of appetite, but I don't mind that because I needed to lose some weight!
I was really losing faith in antidepressants. Before these I tried citalopram and sertraline without any luck. These are brilliant, apparenty a psychiatrists choice to use as well! What's good with these, bar feeling good is that I still have 'normal' emotions and I can still drink as well, granted not as much as I used to but I suppose that can only be a good thing.
They've really pulled me out of a black hole :)

06-05-11, 22:25
Hmmnn sounds like everyone has to experiment and find their 'jackpot'. I suppose if I don't try medication I'll never know. Anyway, if you are happy to stay on tablets and feel that it is a step forward then good for you! :)

Vanilla Sky
07-05-11, 00:09
I'm so glad for you . The same thing has happened to me since i started taking Citalopram.


07-05-11, 00:28
That's really good to hear.....so pleased for you! :)