View Full Version : sleep panic attacks

05-05-11, 20:48
Sometimes I wake from sleep in a panic attack and wondered how people coped with them? I just try to sit quietly and take deep breaths until the symptoms of panic go but they can be frightening.

05-05-11, 22:45
ive had this before! id wake up in night gasping trying to catch my breath its a horrible feeling, i had it for about a month and it just stopped it was because i was really anxious and stressed at the time and i was really restless with worry..

i think the best thing to do is try and work out what is stressing you out? and try and wind down/relax before you sleep x

05-05-11, 23:04
In the past I have woken up with a pounding heart, dry mouth and feeling wobbly. It is really frightening, especially at 3am. I try to lay still and count backwards (100 to 1). That usually helps. My big problem is that I am frightened of going to sleep (not sure if I'm frightened of not waking up, or being unconcious, or what), often I force myself to stay awake, but I drop off eventually then feel like c**p when the alarm goes off. I hate anxiety.

06-05-11, 09:05
Yeh its a terrible feeling I agree, when it happened a few times I was a bit scared to go to sleep too, but eventually I was able go to sleep.

06-05-11, 09:23
I use my ipod for distraction, play music, go online, play a game on it. It really helps x