View Full Version : Extremely tired

05-05-11, 21:10
Every day I feel so tired and exhausted even after a good night sleep, so I was just wondering how others coped with this symptom?

05-05-11, 21:26
it's funny you should mention this because I just did a search about weakness/tiredness on this forum at about 5pm cos I was just feeling so tired I wanted to go to bed. So the search confirmed for me that a lot of anxiety sufferers get tired easily because the rush of adrenaline we get is very draining on energy.
So today I was looking at the clock at 6pm thinking 'when can I get away with going to bed??' but I made myself wait because I know in the past if I've gone to bed too early then woken up at like 8.30pm or something I've felt very anxious because it's a change in routine I guess.
But now at 9.20pm I'm pretty wide awake. I put that down to a) having 10 mins on my massage chair and b) doing some cardmaking which is something that really captures my mind and I get excited about when I make something I'm pleased with
In general day to day terms I'd say :
1)make sure you're eating good nutritious food especially a good breakfast like porridge is excellent energy and also good for the nerves. Have regular smaller meals rather than big meals which cause drowsiness
2) Drink plenty water/herbal tea
3)try putting a few drops of a refreshing aromatherapy oil in a burner or on a tissue to inhale e.g peppermint
4)Don't be too hard on yourself if you need to have a nap that's ok

Hope that helps a little bit it really sucks to feel so tired and even doing all these things above just don't help and you just have to accept that you're going to be more tired than others it's just another symptom of this horrible disorder

05-05-11, 22:40
do you exercise? when my anxiety really kicked in it was about the same time as i was moving house and for almost 3 weeks i was totally exhausted..just laying on the sofa, sleeping alot, the smallest thing would leave me knackered, i thought i was ill! then i decided enough was enough and started going to the gym, ive always been a dancer but i havent done it for a while but after a few sessions at the gym i felt 10 times better, now after 3 months i feel great, fit, toned and less tired.
if you dont do anything, then just try a walk or a bike ride, or find classes at the local gym. once you find the energy for the first session!!

05-05-11, 23:06
Yes, exercise is an important factor. It seems counter-productive when you're tired to make yourself even more tired by being active but it does have a beneficial effect.

06-05-11, 09:07
Thank you for your help, believe it or not Ive been looking into doing some Tai Chi exercises, it does seem to help with anxious thinking.