View Full Version : do you get this???

05-05-11, 22:53
ive had panic attacks forever but the last 2 which im assuming and hoping are just panic attacks have both started with a really hot rush mostly up my arms thats so hot it almost feels cold.. then my eyes feel funny like i cant see and gonna colapse then im left shaking and heart racing :(


06-05-11, 09:17
Hi Darcy,

I've found that panic attacks can be different from each other - what you've described sound quite common symptoms - all physical responses to hyperventilating and your body producing extra adrenaline. xx

06-05-11, 09:30
hi, thanks for replying..... i know deep down it is just panic but they seem to come from nowhere. i was walking out the cinema yesterday and was totally relaxed and BAM there it was.. luckily managed to stop it before it got too bad but was left shaking and heart racing :(
its so horrible isnt it? xxxxx

06-05-11, 12:04
yeah it is, really unpleasant, but its really positive that you managed to keep a hold of it - you did really well :)

06-05-11, 12:50
:bighug1: thanku!!!! xxx

06-05-11, 13:06
focusing on breathing has helped me a lot. you should try it

07-05-11, 03:48
Yes I've had the exact same, felt like some terrible illness was overtaking me, yes i agree with breathing and focusing, as in , I was in a car, I focused on the air freshner in the front, nothing else , just that, swinging, it's almost like meditation.

07-05-11, 18:20
yep, had very similar. convinced i was gonna faint. really scary but nothing bad has happened after many episodes. Find a technique like breathing, or distraction which works for you. i simply say " its just panic, you can beat it" in my head and it passes. :)