View Full Version : Omeprazole??

05-05-11, 23:43
Hey guys,

So my doc gave me omeperazole since my reflux was acting up and I'm a little scared to take them.

I'm scared to even take Advil or Aleve when I have a small headache lol.

My reflux has really been acting up so I'm hoping this will help. Has anyone found relief from this? How long does it take to work?

Can I take a xanax once in a while if I have to with it?

05-05-11, 23:47
Fantastic stuff - you will get relief within 24 hours

05-05-11, 23:50
Thanks Nicola. I feel rubbish. I'm constantly belching and I have a lump feeling in my throat and chest and I have acid coming up from my chest to my throat.

I've seen many on here talk great things about it. I pray that it helps because I'm sick of this reflux ruining my life.:weep:

06-05-11, 00:07
I hope it helps - it has helped me loads before in the past.

06-05-11, 01:11
I've been taking 20mg omeprazole for a few years now. No side effects and it works. I also take diazepam so I'm xanax would be fine.


06-05-11, 01:28
Thanks Haz.

My gp also prescribed 20mg. So far I don't feel any side effects, not that I know what they are.

I just hope it helps to alleviate the acid reflux symptoms.

I asked about the xanax cuz I always drink a .25mg tablet if I ever need it.

I try not to but I only take it when my anxiety is really bad.

06-05-11, 09:25
ive been taking it for a few years now too, and its great stuff, it will give you a lot of relief... im scared to tabs/meds too, so i know how u feel about taking stuff... but it will be ok.. good luck

06-05-11, 09:56
im scared of taking tablets too!:unsure: lol

i had lump in throat/belching doc gave me lansoprozol? (sp?) they gave me headachs, then switched me to omeprazole for a month and had no probs with them whatsoever, its worth trying them if it is reflux it will help its better than suffering.

the only way i will take medication is not by reading the side effects section!:yesyes:

06-05-11, 16:29
Proton Pump Inhibitors of which Omeprazole is one takes about 4 days to become really effective and it takes about 8-12 weeks to repair any damage that the acid reflux may have done to your oesophagus. They are very effective drugs but I found Omeprazole caused me quite a few issues including severe agitation. I was switched to Lansoprazole a newer drug and things have been a lot better. I hope they help you and let's hope it cures the heartburn.

06-05-11, 17:15
At first i thought lanszoprazole didn,t work for , but everytime i cut down to 15 mg from 30 mg i start burping and feeling bloated like today .
Back on the 30 mg again , ah well Rome wasn,t built in a day .

Good luck :yesyes:

06-05-11, 19:26
Mel, the PPis can cause bloating as a side effect, I get terrible bloating probably due to slow gastric emptying because of low stomach acid. My consultant told me taking them is like a rock and a hard place. Without you get major reflux, with symptoms of bloating etc, so it's a catch 22.

06-05-11, 20:01
Thanks guys for responding to my thread. It's day two for me omeprazole and I still have a slight pressure feeling in my chest today and I have a little burning as well. I also feel a bit jittery which I'm guessing is anxiety.

I have to admit that so far even since I've been drinking it, by excessive belching has really improved.

I just hope that within a week I feel better. I've been suffering with reflux ever since 2008 and have always tried to manage it with diet. But I''ve reached a point where my anxiety is bad, my reflux is bad or if my reflux is bad, anxiety is bad and I just can't deal with it w/o taking some meds.

30-10-11, 20:54
Proton Pump Inhibitors of which Omeprazole is one takes about 4 days to become really effective and it takes about 8-12 weeks to repair any damage that the acid reflux may have done to your oesophagus. They are very effective drugs but I found Omeprazole caused me quite a few issues including severe agitation. I was switched to Lansoprazole a newer drug and things have been a lot better. I hope they help you and let's hope it cures the heartburn. did you feel when taken these you had trapped wind in your chest area x