View Full Version : straggling with anxiety

06-05-11, 10:34
hey guys, i am new here and i am hoping that i can get some comfortation. i ve been dealing with anxiety issues fron some time now, since 2006. i ve been on medication all this time, i tried seroxat and effexor xr. meds really helped me. i ve been psycotherapy in combination to the meds and that really helped. i ve quit meds in november and i was doing pretty well for some time until i ve started stressing and panicking once again. god only knows how much i am trying to cope with this. i cant sleep well, cant eat and i am gloomy most of the times. i ve lost quite some weight and i am extremely worried about loosing more pounds. i am on the edge of telling my doctor to start my meds once again. but i am really really trying to deal this on my own. i ve been through this before and i have managed to cope but i am getting overwelmed an frustrated. i dont now for how much longer i can keep hanging there.

06-05-11, 11:06
I think there is no shame in needing medication again. If you are really reluctant, maybe talk to your GP about alternative treatments. May be a local support group, different counselling, relaxation methods or even hypnotherapy (although this is probably not an option from the GP). Good luck x

06-05-11, 19:48
Hi there
It sounds like you may need to be visiting your doctor to try something else or maybe back on your previous medication. Like kirsty said theres no shame in going on medication but i do know its hard to get past feeling you are at times.

I get terrible insomnia and the head racing is worse at night for some reason. I asked my doctor to give me a medication to relax enough so i get tired and i can switch of to sleep( i have been having non addictive sedation).
Maybe talk to your doctor about trying a med for sleepingas its so hard to function.
with out sleep.
Its strange how anxiety effects the individual. I can over eat i think thsi si comfort eating or i can go the other way and no feel hungry.

I hope you make the right decision for you. :)

07-05-11, 05:21
thanks you for your kind words. during this period of my life any comforting word is extremely helpful

macc noodle
07-05-11, 05:29
Hi Elpida,

Sorry you having such a rought time. :hugs:

I do think a trip to the docs. and a chat about some help to give you some relief would be a good idea. I know that it is hard to start taking new meds because they can make you feel worse rather than better to start off with (I know I always fight shy of them and get more worked up about side effects - vicious circle eh??)

There really is no shame is asking for help - after all you wouldn't hobble round on a broken leg without crutches or a plaster and expect it to return to how it was would you?


07-05-11, 07:23
thnks macc. this means a lot to me.in general i have a positive reaction in meds, though they take some time to work cause they are antidepressant. my doc is a bit relactant in prescriping meds, only if its neseccary. he believes that all people have the strength to overcome their problems,but you know here in cyprus they dont talk about these issues, it is still a taboo though many people suffer from these conditions.it makes me feel so much better that people in this site speak openly about what they are going through.thank you so so much