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06-05-11, 12:26
hi! my names lisa and need help!! i'm so confused....my doctor as said i got chronic anxiety and he as put me on beta blocks but i keep thinking its agraphobia because i don't like going far from my home and when i do i teanse up and my hands start to sweat and i want to go back and i start to breath heavy and scared when i go back i feel calm and relaxed but if i go farer and farer away from my home i get all them feelings again it upsets me so much because theres places i want to see like take me son to the park go shopping can someone help me because i told the doctor all these simptoms and he said it anxiety!! my mom said it agraphobia because she as had it please help!!! thanks!! lisa:weep:

06-05-11, 17:02
Hi Lisalou,
I was diagnosed with chronic anxiety around a month ago, and just like you I hated leaving my house. Everytime I knew that I had to go out I would get sweaty, heavy breathing and all the other 'lovely' symptoms of panic. It got so bad at one point that I didn't leave the house for 2 weeks, except for trips to the doctors which would always end up in a huge panic attack in the waiting room so by the time I went in to see the doctor I was a complete mess!
I don't know if its the same for you but I felt safe when I was at home, nobody (except my family) could see me in the mess I was in and that was the reason I didn't want to go out. And if I had a PA I could just work through it without other people witnessing it and me feeling embarrassed about it.
Just want to send you :bighug1:and let you know it will get easier and you are not alone.
I think not wanting to leave the safety net of ones home/agrophobia can be a symptom of anxiety.
Take care. Xxx

06-05-11, 18:18
hi!! ellie yes i'm the same when i go to doctors i have to run there and when i get there i'm a bag of nerves and i teanse up really bad i'm sitting there thinking i just want to go back home i'm up the reception tell asking them when am i next.......its a nightmare i am starting to go out but not far just taking it step by step sometimes it really upset me i cry my heart out because i want to go places take me son on holiday! do you teanse up as well?

how do you cope with it? i sent you a hug back!! xx

06-05-11, 19:53
whenever aybody even mentions going somewhere to me I get, tense, dizzy, tight chest and stuff, it's ruining my life!

06-05-11, 21:25
I agree, it is a complete nightmare. I look forwards to the day when I feel normal!!
I get really tense when I have got to be away from home. The anxiety makes me feel really dizzy most of the time and also makes my throat do strange spasm like things, almost like someone is pushing on my throat to strangle me. Its horrible.
My chronic anxiety was brought on by a course of steroids which the doctor gave me as my asthma has flared up, which later was diaganosed as a chest infection, so maybe I didn't really need the steroids in the first place?? It took quite a few trips to the doctors, hospital stays and ambulances before someone even figured out what was wrong with me, they put me on citalopram and diazepam. The citalopram lasted for 7 days until I ended up back in hospital and was told not to take anymore because of the horrific side effects I was getting. The diazepam was :yesyes: though. Really helped chill me out.
When did your anxiety start? Are you on any meds?
I know what you mean about wanting to do more with your son. I have 4 daughters and feel so guilty that for a little while I was unable to leave the house and take them out. The way I deal with the anxiety is to try not to think about it or focus on the symptoms, if I do they just get worse. I know that is easier said than done!! I try and do things a little at a time. I went into Boots today and then up to see a friend and her 3 week old baby all on my own which for me is a real achievement :D
I also take a lot of rescue remedy which does seem to help. I use the chewing gum version and the drops. Talking to people regularly helps as well, even if I dont feel like it, it always makes me feel a bit better.
I've started doing some online CBT courses as well as I have always been a negative thinker and know that there is around a 6month waiting list on the NHS!
I also find that coming on here quite a bit helps a lot, knowing that there are other people in the same boat as me and the reasurrence that brings is a lifeline.
Take care Lisa and remember you are not alone. PM me if you want to chat.

Sorry for the long reply :-)