View Full Version : Can health Anxiety also cover mental illness?

06-05-11, 14:25
Hi all, this is just a general question I'm putting out here, because it's something I think a lot of people here get confused about. I'm just wondering if what I am experiencing is down to being a hypochondriac or just general anxiety, or both?

Health anxiety is usually explained as being a fear or preoccupation of physical illness, but nothing is ever said about it causing a fear of MENTAL illness...

One of my biggest fears is that I'm going to somehow "lose my mind"...that I am going to become or discover that I am schizophrenic, Bi-Polar...I always worry that I am going to have a mental breakdown, and that my emotions are going to get the best of me.

I worry about my emotional health. I'm scared of old memories coming back to haunt me, or that I'll somehow lose the ability to continue coping.

So I am just wondering, does this sound like a cross between hypochondria and general anxiety? Are these fears actually warranted, or are they completely irrational? I just want to feel in control of myself again... =/

06-05-11, 17:18
health anxiety general anxiety ect.. is all just anxiety and is pretty much the same because the physical response is the same regardless if you are afraid you are having a heart attack or if you are afraid of going to meetings and they often will snowball onto each other and one symptom will cause the next.
fear of mental illness is a very common symptom of anxiety and so is obsessing and focusing on memories and mental images. so as for your fear of losing your mind, its just anxiety. people who are severely mentally ill aren't aware of their mental state the old saying is "real crazy people don't know they are crazy". so the fact that you think you might be losing your mind shows that you really aren't. you are just experiencing one of many symptoms of anxiety.

06-05-11, 17:29
Thanks for your reply :)That is at least reassuring, I think anxiety can play tricks on us and make us doubt our ability to carry on coping. I guess the biggest challenge is learning that WE are in control of our body, not the anxiety.

I'm just wondering, what do you think is the best way to cope with unpleasant memories and past regrets? That's a big question I know, but I know it's unhealthy to repress them and pretend they don't exist...so do we try to figure them out, or just acknowledge them and send them on their way? I have a tendency to over-think things and question myself and my past all the time. I know it's completely irrational, but I just want to find a good "coping" strategy to give me some peace of mind...

06-05-11, 17:48
Me to if anyone has any help or good moving forward advice i would be happy to hear it. :)

Thanks for your reply :)That is at least reassuring, I think anxiety can play tricks on us and make us doubt our ability to carry on coping. I guess the biggest challenge is learning that WE are in control of our body, not the anxiety.

I'm just wondering, what do you think is the best way to cope with unpleasant memories and past regrets? That's a big question I know, but I know it's unhealthy to repress them and pretend they don't exist...so do we try to figure them out, or just acknowledge them and send them on their way? I have a tendency to over-think things and question myself and my past all the time. I know it's completely irrational, but I just want to find a good "coping" strategy to give me some peace of mind...

06-05-11, 17:51
well i dont mean to get all freud on you, but i can tell by your posts you have a need to classify and find out the cause of everything. to the point you obsess over it and even have to have an exact classification to the type of anxiety you have. which is something i do as well.

i have found that the best way to cope with past memories and flashes is you just need to accept thats all it is, its just a memory or image and cant hurt you. so i'm not saying you repress it but rather accept that there is no reason to obsess over it and there is nothing you can do to change it anyway since its a memory. really the key with all anxiety is really just accepting things are just are what they are and not everything needs to have a reason behind it. (easier said then done i know). so next time you find yourself obsessing over a memory or something, tell yourself stop there is no reason to do this it cant hurt me and means nothing and then try to move on to something else. if that doesnt work occupy your mind with other a bunch of other things at once your mind cant worry if you occupy it with other things.

06-05-11, 18:11
Wow, fantastic advice right there. Thank you :) I think you are absolutely spot on about me always wanting, no, NEEDING to know the cause of things, whether it be anxiety or past experiences. I think it's human nature in a way; to question our lives and things around us, but when it becomes such an obsession to this extent it's not good for us. I will definitely keep in mind what you said next time I have these intrusive thoughts pop up. You're right: they can't hurt me and I don't need to dwell on them all the time. Thanks for your advice! :)