View Full Version : Job interview tomorrow :-(

06-05-11, 14:28
Hi everyone

Ive got an important job interview tomorrow afternoon - Ive been planning on relocating for a while for a fresh start & this is an ideal opportunity.

The thing is, Ive had a very stressful week as Ive split up with my boyfriend, so my anxiety is through the roof as it is. Im always very nervous before interviews anyway, and the added pressure of my anxiety plus knowing how important the job is to me is really worrying me. Im scared Ill turn up there looking miserable & putting them off me, or going blank & just messing it up altogether!

Has anyone got any hints or tips for how to stay calm & not crack under the pressure? Any help would be appreciated, I really dont want to mess this up :blush:

06-05-11, 15:52
hello Hazie :)

so sorry to hear of your break up .......the timing for interview couldnt be worse .But ..well done for getting an interview in these days of difficulty .
firstly ............they must feel you are qualified for the job .........you have sent in good application form ....so a pat on back .x

advice ? crikey ...........be nothing but yourself ............make sure you have eaten and have bottle of water for dry mouth . one tip which I first thought was daft but actually helps hugely is to correct your posture .hold yourself erect . it opens up your lungs for oxygen and looks confident ...........and makes you feel so :yesyes:
wear something comfy but not overly fashionable if you get me . make eye contact ....and do your breathing from abdomen when sitting down .
you can be nothing other than your valuable self .........take time to consider .
and good luck :flowers:

wish I could listen to my own advice eh? I would be head of a global corporation by now :winks::shades:
oh well ...........in my next life maybe .
take care x

Princess Sparkle
06-05-11, 17:15

I may be attending some job interviews myself next week (fingers crossed!) so I can appreciate how you feel!

What always works for me is telling myself that I am the best person for the job. Once I convince myself of that fact, it's just a matter of convincing the interview panel! I find that if I have confidence in my own experience, skills and abilities, then it's a lot easier to present myself at interviews. So have a think about why you're so special. Don't be modest - think about everything you can do, all the skills you have and all the things you've done (both inside and outside of the workplace). Make a list if that will help you to remember and look at it before going into the interview. Don't try to memorise it - just use it as a memory jog to remind you how great you are and how perfect you are for the job!

I really believe that if you have confidence in yourself then this will come across at the interview. So don't be afraid to sing your own praises! Best of luck with the interview! :D

07-05-11, 03:45
Hi Hazie

What I find helps is to focus on how important the job is to me. I think of how much better I will feel if I get it and how it will improve my life in the long run. I kind of talk myself into a positive feeling even if I am feeling down. Do your research beforehand. Know as much as you can about the employer, the job and how your skills equip you for it. If you feel prepared for whatever questions they throw at you, you will feel more confident. Tell yourself that despite your break up, you are not going to let it ruin your chances of a good job and be determined to get something good out of a difficult week!

Best of luck.


07-05-11, 10:07
Thanks guys thats a great help, Ill make sure I use all of your advice :D

Ill let you know how it goes, thanks again x

07-05-11, 17:31
Just to let you know the interview went well - I managed to stay calm & I think I answered the questions ok. It definately wasnt as bad as I was expecting anyway, & it helped seeing that other people looked just as nervous as me. So now I just need to wait for the result, fingers crossed!

Thanks again :yesyes:

Princess Sparkle
08-05-11, 10:57
Glad to hear the interview went well, Hazie! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you get the job! :D