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View Full Version : Feeling the need to cough all the time

06-05-11, 15:06
So, i just got back from the doctors, i think i actually feel worse to be honest. Im feeling breathless really easy all the time and it really hurts my chest and throat when i breathe, like a real strain and my chest feels wheezy all the time. Im always coughing tyrin to clear it and i just cant rest. I went to the doctors and told him and he listened to my back and looked at my throat and said he couldnt see anything wrong, he asked if i had Asthma and i told him im not sure o all he did was prescribe me 2 inhalers to take two puffs when needed daily

To be honest he made me feel uncomfortable and daft, but im just left thinking that noone cares, i mean surely i should get checked over, i mean i could have Asthma. Im not even reasured in having these inhalers or i dont no the first thing about them.

I guess i just want to know if anyone is experiencing the same as me with asthma type feelings and the wheezin and coughing. And if anyone could reassure me that they would save me if i felt breathless? Im so confused i dont get how anxiety can make you feel like this.

Im not even reasured that if i need help the ambulance could come in time because when i rang for help before they asked the symtpms and said it sounded like anxiety and i had to wait an hour for a doctor to ring.


09-05-11, 12:45
Hi JS.. I haven't been to the doctor yet but I'm suffering the same at the moment. I get it every year at this time, I blame the pollen, but it's worse this year, probably because we've had no rain for ages. If it doesn't clear up I will go see my GP. He's given me inhalers in the past for asthma or antibiotics. I'm wheezing really bad at the mo' and feel I can barely breathe when I lay down in bed. x