View Full Version : I really need someone to talk to :'(

06-05-11, 20:21
Im an emotional wreck, all i can think about is dying. I have a horendous fear of dying and i can't get it out of my head.
I can't sleep
I can't go out
I can't have fun
I can't see my friends
I can't go to bed
I can't watch a film
Honestly guys.. this is how bad it is..
The symptoms i experience are:
head pressure
pounding heart
diffuculty breathing
pain when urinating
pain in stomach
pain in back and under ribs
pain behind my eyes
dents in my head
pins and needles
blochy hands and feet
always shivering
hot and cold sweats
thumping heart
left arm pain
extreme sickness, but not being sick
very dark coloured poo
pain when pooing
constant feeling of needing a poo
and the list goes on and on :(

please help :'(

06-05-11, 21:17
HI Duke
Sorry to hear you are going through so much stuff at the moment, but you are not alone, there is always someone here who can understand what you are going through.
I dont have all your symptoms but i have the same awful fear, dying.
Its been really bad for me since my mum died 3 years ago.
I dont have symptoms 24/7 but when they kick in OMG its so horrendous

Im always very restless, i also have restless leg syndrome
I get pins and needles lots
Almost constant trembling in the background in my legs, torso and arms
Wake up in the night, heart racing
Very weird, vivid dreams
Awful nausea, but not actually sick
Ectopic heartbeats
Adrenaline rushes
lightheadedness (had this a half hour ago while shopping)
Feeling that my heart is beating in "jelly"
Any pain from the neck down - im having a heart attack or a stroke

I have difficulty in getting to sleep, i hate going out now, id rather stay at home where i feel somewhat "safe"
I feel im always on "alert" just waiting for the next symptom to kick in
Ive developed a phobia of medication, too scared of side effects
Check my pulse several times per day
Used to check my bp several times a day but now just do it once a week
Weirdly ive turned superstitious!!!! Scared to mention anything out loud incase it seals my fate!!

Im SLOWLY coming to terms with the fact i am not dying and that i have anxiety. Its not an easy journey to say the least. This site is my therapy, i come here when i feel anxious, scared, fed up or just to see what people are saying. Im not a frequent poster - it just comforts me to know that i am not alone.
I normally always get a reply to one of my posts, its very reasuring to know that even if it feels like it i am not the only one going though the same thing.

Have you seen a doctor at all??

06-05-11, 21:24
Thankyou so much for this
i can see it is hard for you to
but i think i get every symptom you are getting, along with the superstitious and checking the pulse.
i have seen a doctor and they tell me im fine but i find it to hard to believe, i also have trouble taking any medications incase i have side effects

06-05-11, 21:28
hi duke

im same sxcared iof meds and too believe im droping dead at any minute.

my friends a nurse and sat many times explaining to me taht you dont just die but it will help but doesnt whne i fele ill x

i guess we nhave to look at it like how you friends thing etc etc
u will get better x

07-05-11, 18:56
Hi Duke,

i am going through exactly the same, i have all the same symptoms but im actually sick and cant eat. Its so scary, i just constantly think i have some horrible ilness and going to die.

Mine all started when i had a minor heart operation a few months ago all was fine apart from a allergic reaction but since then im convinced im having a heart attack or have internal bleeding, i check my pulse like 100 times a day and i feel all of this 24/7, i just cant get away from it!

I have had so many test done on my heart and everything was fine but i just dont believe them, i also have this feeling of not being with it all the time!

So i hope it will make you feel a bit better to no that your not alone in how your feeling

Take care, Toni