View Full Version : My Comprehensive symptom list!

06-05-11, 21:12
1.Feeling tired all the time despite having 8-9 hours sleep every night.
2.Dry mouth all the time.
3.Throat problems such as a feeing of difficulty swallowing, mucus in the throat.
4.Muscle aches.
6.Stomach aches
7.Muscle twitching
8.Tingling in different places
9.Feeling out of breath all the time.
10.Chest aches/pains.
11.A lot of yawning.

06-05-11, 21:44
Gosh you have a lot of Threads .:ohmy:Your symptoms all sound like Anxiety to me ..Sue

06-05-11, 23:48
Holy cow! You have more symptoms than the Eggmeister (a legendary member on the HA board).

Have you been checked out for ME (chronic fatigue)? Your symptoms do seem to point in that direction, although there could be any number of reasons - anxiety, panic etc included.

07-05-11, 00:28
Oh well - hasta la vista Stallone.

07-05-11, 19:27
Dahlia .STALLONE is Eggy ..Blooming time waster :lac:.Your post will help someone else tho .Lets hope Eggy gets to see a good mental health specialist for his problems . Sue

07-05-11, 20:18
I thought it all sounded a bit familiar. but i just don.t understand why he needed to pretend to be someone else. strange!!

07-05-11, 21:21
Hi Sue - yeah I knew he was. I was hoping he would still read it and get the information though, as I think the vast majority of his symptoms are down to the B12 deficiency he had before.

He had his course of B12 injections Dahlia and it didnt help apparently his levels wernt very low anyway it wouldnt have contributed to that extent ...He has HA ,...and GOOGLES constantly .:lac:Like I said a time waster and also a liar ,:lac: Sue

07-05-11, 23:33
I'm afraid I spotted it was Eggy immediately as well - he didn't exactly think out how to cover his tracks!

I can't decide how sorry to feel for him - he's either got a severe mental health problem which he completely refuses to acknowledge, or he's an attention-seeking troll. (if I take the activities on the MND forum into consideration too).

07-05-11, 23:40
Whats annoyed me is I posted to him and gave him the benefit of the doubt .He couldnt even acknowledge my posts .I dont understand why he left to start with .:shrug:We knew what he was like and he had been given more than his share of support here .To come back and lie is just a smack in the face .He must think we are all stupid .That said I do feel for him .But wish he,d get help for his HA .If he isnt putting that on :shrug:.Im very dubious about him now . sue :lac:

07-05-11, 23:52
Yes, I'm afraid it always hacks me off when people try to take advantage of others or abuse their goodwill - it's just not fair or nice.

07-05-11, 23:54
I made the decision to ban stallone as I was 100% sure it was Eggy and did give him the opportunity to come clean and say it was him and he wouldn't.

If he does contact me and admit it is him then I would suggest he came back as Eggy and stop creating new accounts.

I do feel for him but I am aware that he is taking up a lot of people's time with replies and he is deceiving people.