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06-05-11, 23:20
im a mess
we cant just stop breathing so why do i have a feeling of something caught in my throat and keep holding my breath n shaking

06-05-11, 23:21
That is called globus and is common with anxiety.

Try and slow your breathing down - use a paper bag and that will help

06-05-11, 23:25
globus is that what this is its weired feels like its being blocked then i shallow breathe dont google so ask on here sorry xx

06-05-11, 23:34
yeah we have a whole forum dedicated to it so have a read of the posts in there and see if it helps

06-05-11, 23:41
ok will look dont no how to really i do the basics lol.

07-05-11, 00:07
don't know how to what?

07-05-11, 00:45
its ok found it dont no if its same..

i think im shallow brerathing.

nic your good at this can you offer advice..i tense and shake then my breathing goes diff x
is this anxiety and you no wheer i cuold fiind info on this

08-05-11, 08:09
I dont know if you mean this.. but when im anxious before a panic attack and i try and take a deep breath in and breathe out my breathing sound is like shaky and sounds really like deep. Im sure it will be to do with anxiety because it does affect your breathing but not in a way where something bad is going to happen, just our muscles tighten up and it causes pain and feels like we struggling to get air, but once we get our second breathe type thing we naturally start to calm.
They say breathing in to a paper bag is meant to help get your breathing back under control.

08-05-11, 08:14
i think thats how i breathe too,especially when im waling or anxious.... nervous all the time

10-05-11, 21:02
I dont know if you mean this.. but when im anxious before a panic attack and i try and take a deep breath in and breathe out my breathing sound is like shaky and sounds really like deep. Im sure it will be to do with anxiety because it does affect your breathing but not in a way where something bad is going to happen, just our muscles tighten up and it causes pain and feels like we struggling to get air, but once we get our second breathe type thing we naturally start to calm.
They say breathing in to a paper bag is meant to help get your breathing back under control.

no its not like that hunni.

i just really feel like im stopping bretahing and not gasping i just stop all the time. i no i do i dont get whats happening to me at all im getting worried now.

its like i tense my upper body this is dying down but my holding my stomach i thonk i dont no...all i no is im stopping bretahing