View Full Version : Bugger, have I reduced my dose too soon?

07-05-11, 09:07
On GP advice I reduced dose to 20mg from 40mg a week ago. Had had 4 fantastic symptom free months (was prescribed Cit for 1st time for PND in Oct) but am really wobbling now - the anxiety is back with a vengeance, along with all the horrid physical symptoms. It had started to creep in the days before I went to see GP about reducing my dose, but my GP said that was normal and I should concentrate on the 4 really good months I'd had. Anyone been through a reduction and had a similar reaction? I'm really trying to stay positive and believe - like all the other times - this blip will pass and I'll be left on a lower dose but it's getting harder to stay optimistic. TIA.

07-05-11, 10:06
Hi turquoise, It is really great that you feel you can start reducing your citalopram, but that is a big drop from 40mg to 20, i think it might be too much all at once, perhaps you should take 30mg for a while untill you are strong enough to reduce further, i have even heard of people dropping just 5mg, so don't be in too much of a hurry, or set yourself back, take your time, you know your own body . hope this helps. take care xxx:hugs:

07-05-11, 10:41
Thanks Pinkdove, I'm just following doctor's orders really - he's given me great advice all the way through this journey so I feel I have to trust him. Just trying to find the strength to get through this latest episode - as I said, I think it may have begun even before the decrease. I'm going back to all the CBT techniques I've learnt - I don't feel the medication has or will cured my anxiety, it's just cleared my head enough to see all the symptoms for what they are. And 20mg is still a good dose - plenty of people do great on this. I hope to stabilise at this level for a good few months before even considering completely stopping.

Anyone else convinced by my logic!?!

12-05-11, 19:38
hi ,
my doctor wanted try the same its to much shock for me and i went straight bck to 40mg he then told me to have 30mg every 3rd day and 40mg on the others and eventually increase that so id be eventually 3omg every day , the plan was to do this very slowly until i was eventually of them, he told me not to rush and take as long as possible with this method to minimise side effects , this did work better but i had some trouble in my personel life and found my self needing to stay on 30mg which meant i felt good and noticed not feeling so tired and un motivated! i read a post from a member here on line said reduce in 5mgs instead of 10mg, cutting the 10mg in half, which i am currently doing and im nearly 15mgs, with 20mg twice a wk, i have found side effects less active , no head whossing, and not as dizzy, but still yawning and grinding teeth but im nearly there, my plan is to be of cit completely by the end of the summer start of sept, but im not goin pressure myself to much as am bit anxious that i wont be able cope without cit but im determined il get throught it , fingers crossed!:blush:

13-05-11, 08:17
Hi Jeanette, thanks for the advice. Everything you say rings very true - after a very anxious weekend I went back up to 40mg. The plan is to stabilise there before attempting any reduction again. I'm still really unstable though - can't believe how much 10 days on a lower dose knocked me off course. Dr says it will take up to 2 wks to feel good again. Good luck with your plans.