View Full Version : Can't get eyes to focus...

07-05-11, 16:13
I posted a while ago that after an opticians appointment I found out that I have a number of eye problems. I'm waiting to go to the doctors to get a referral (by the time I see the doc it will have been a month since the opticians) so of course my anxiety has gone through the roof. I'm having numerous issues with my eyes which I can't get to go away! Most of them I can put down to anxiety and that helps to reassure me slightly but the main one is that my eyes don't seem to focus properly. They definitely don't work together properly .... Does anyone know what can cause this???? Or experienced this?

I know logically it's anxiety but I just can't get my head to believe it! I've got to wait another 2 1/2 weeks to see the doc and I'm not really sure I can cope that long... I keep bursting into tears.

macc noodle
07-05-11, 16:51
Firstly, your optician should have explained this to you and their concerns. They should have spoken or written to your GP about their findings and investigations required.

It is unacceptable that you have had to wait a month to see your GP about this - why have you had to wait so long? Ring them on Monday and ask for an urgent appointment and tell them why if you have any problems - this is really not on. The sooner you see the GP, the sooner your referral should come through.

No wonder you are anxious - I would have gone mad by now!

Anxiety can play havoc with your vision and when you are less stressed, the symptoms should subside.

Please just ring the GP on Monday and see if they can bring this all forward for you or if, at the very least, they can give you some reassurances.


07-05-11, 18:25
I can't get an appointment any earlier as I had to re-register with my gp here as I had been away at uni so wasn't registered with my gp here. Then they're always over-booked. I've had to wait a long time before for an appointment. I can't get an urgent appointment as my situation isn't urgent and they really don't let you have them. I'll try on Monday but it doesn't look good...