View Full Version : Bleeding from belly button

07-05-11, 16:36
Yesterday my belly button was a little bit red, and last night when I looked inside my belly button I found dried blood, and when I put my finger in I found more dried blood! Initially I thought maybe some soap or something had got trapped in there and irrated me and caused a bleed, BUT I have since googled a bleeding belly button and it says it could be something like internal bleeding or even a serious liver problem! It said that if you have internal bleeding or liver disease and the blood cannot pass through your liver as normal then then the blood will find the easiest way out and this is through your navel!!!

Has anyone else ever had there belly button bleed?? I'm going on holiday tomorrow and am freaking out I have intenal bleeding or a liver problem :-s Very scared as alot of sites n the intenet have recommended people with a bleeding belly button go to ER!!!

macc noodle
07-05-11, 16:41

I think you need to seek medical advice before you travel - where are you off to?

Was it only a small amount of dried blood or a lot?

I know that you have jumped to a really nasty conclusion about it but it could just be a fungal infection - is your belly button smelly?

You may well need antibiotics to clear it up so that is why I recommend seeking medical advice today.

Take care and let us know how you go on.


PS I think that if it was your liver, you might feel generally unwell and not just have a bit of dried blood in your belly button.

07-05-11, 16:43
Am flying at 2am tomorrow to Spain and my docs isnt open on a Sat so would have to be the hospital!! Does it really sound serious?? It was a small amount of dark dried blood that was right inside that I scraped out with my finger. My belly button was red and a bit stingy yesterday with maybe a slight sweaty smell (sorry to be gross) but looks normal colour today! Does anyone else think this could be serious?? Should be heading to bed soon lol, but would have to go to A&E like now if was going to be able to go before leaving the house at midnight for my flight

margaret jones
07-05-11, 16:58
Hi could it have been a little spot that popped and dried blood was left ??? that seems a more probable cause try noy to worry and have a good holiday

07-05-11, 17:42
Im trying to hope its nothing, but seriously feeling sick :-(

macc noodle
07-05-11, 17:53
Louise - you probably feel sick because you are getting worried.

If it was only a tiny bit - it could have been a spot or even a bug bite (what with the nice warm weather we have had recently).

Just bathe it gently with some warm water and a drop of salt dissolved in the warm water and it should be fine.

You are only off to Spain - their pharmacies will dispense antibiotics without going to the doc if you think it is infected once you get there - so don't worry.

Dr Google is our very own worst enemy!
