View Full Version : Scared -uterine polyp

07-05-11, 20:50
Sorry i have posted about this before!
I was due to have uterine polyp removed on friday , but was so scared i cancelled. Now have new appointment for the the 6th june.
Im going to have local anasetic and painkillers, but the hystercopy i had to diagnose this was horrendous.
I did not have any pain relief for this.
Will this procedure be as bad, the alternative is A general anasetic but i dont want that either.
Please can you let me know of you experiences.

07-05-11, 22:49
I have had three hysteroscopies so you have my sympathy the last one was more painful than childbirth. My friend had a polyp removed last year and it seemed to be just like a hysteroscopy in that the camera like having an endoscopy also carried instruments to remove the polyp.

If it was me I would beg for the general anaethetic - the risks of one are minute and you would only be under for about 10 mins at most and you would not have to endure the pain like you have already done.

I had a hysteroscopy and D&C under general and it was great - I was in and out of theatre in 15 mins and no after effects of general at all and home 3 hrs later.

07-05-11, 23:11
Hi pb. My wife had a general for this procedure and although she was woozy for an hour or so afterwards I would say it has to be the best way to do it. If under local your fears have chance to do their thing.
Hope it's all ok for you.
Chris x

08-05-11, 00:41
hi please dont worry and dont cancel ive had 2 of them and one with camera inserted and biopsy and one without camera with biopsy and i didnt find either very painful just uncomfortable just get it done and over with i had both with no anesthetic and it wasnt bad at all x

08-05-11, 00:43
oh forgot and i had a uterine polyp removed the first time still it wasnt very painful just uncomfortable x

08-05-11, 13:28
Thank you for your replies x