View Full Version : is this normal?

07-05-11, 21:18

Ive been diagnosed with bad health anxiety, i get these symptoms 24/7 and just want to no if this is normal?

symptoms include:

constant fast heart beat
chest pain
pain under ribs and at my side
no appetite
being sick
stomach pains
sweaty palms
cant breath properly
cant sleep
feeling constantly not with it
face hurting
upset stomach

Ive had loads of tests on my heart, blood tests, blood clot test and all were fine and my blood pressure is normal but i dont believe the doctors.

i dont get the symptoms all at the same time but there is always something wrong and i never feel normal, it is really ruining my life at the moment,i go to the doctors every week and always here the same thing that im fine

can anyone help please? im really scared

07-05-11, 21:38
Well I have had almost all of them, and when they come they stay! some of my worst are facial pain & feeling out of it.
But they are all anxiety. No idea how they stay so long, different than what you preceive anxiey to do, you expect the symptoms to come with panic and go but mine stay. 24/7. you have to ignore them, accept them and go on with life they will SLOWLY fade. SLOWLY :)

08-05-11, 13:23
Heya Toni,

Fear not, I suffered from exactly the same as you constantly as well. All day and night for a couple of months I felt shocking like that. It's definitely all abxiety related, Sounds to me like lots of small panic attacks.

Try some breathing exercises, a lot of these are caused by hyperventilating!

Love Amiee

08-05-11, 18:58
thank you, it has made me feel a bit better to no that im not alone:)

09-05-11, 05:44
Glad to hear that we've helped make you feel a little better Toni! I hope things start easing up for you soon! Just remember, breathe and keep on coming here for support when you feel stressed out. Just a reminder that you're not alone can help to make the day better :)