View Full Version : Panic attack a moment ago.

07-05-11, 22:17
Right now, I know that I'm having an anxiety attack.

I was just sat down on the sofa, watching tv, felt my throat tighten like I couldn't swallow. Minor moment of fear. Told myself no, it's just anxiety pretending. Stop it.

Then breathing problems. Stood up, took a glass of water. Still issues swallowing.

Realised I should have taken my prochlorperazine 10 minutes ago. No problem, take it. Sticks in my throat, i drink to try and let it go down. It's not stuck it just feels like it is. Heart is beating fast. My mind is screaming at me that something bad is happening. I know that it is not.

I am not in complete control, I can't help myself from feeling like this, I can only help how I act and what I do when I do feel like this.

I have had dozens of thoughts as to what is wrong with me go through my head in the past minute.

My fiancee is sat at her computer playing warcraft and has no idea. I don't want to appear weak, so I say nothing.

She asks me what I'm typing and I tell her I had one of my anxiety moments so I'm typing to distract myself. She tells me that I should have told her. But why? Nothing anyone external can do will affect this, it's all internal.

I wish she could help me, so does she. But this is my fight I think. I'm not alone in it, but only I can win it. I will.

The moment has passed mostly, still some swallowing strangeness, and breathing feels laboured, even though it is not. Mind playing tricks all the time, really sucks.

Vanilla Sky
07-05-11, 22:22
A panic attack is the most awful feeling, always remember that you can swallow and your throat is not going to close up , A panic attack will not harm you and it always passes. Think we all know how you feel , breath deeply and calmly and you will win .... for sure :)

07-05-11, 23:04
Best advice is to move towards the feelings and not try to fight them. It will pass whether you do this or not but if you do this it will make it shorter and less of a terrible experience

08-05-11, 17:58
I know that nobody can do anything for you to relieve the physical symptoms that you are experiencing but I always tell whoever I am with when I am feeling a panicky moment coming on and I find it helps because family/friends are good at reassuring me and make me feel better about whats going on :) hope you are feeling better soon x

08-05-11, 18:53
Talking to people often helps. Just chat to your fiancee for a bit if you feel bad.