View Full Version : Stressed with anxiety

16-04-06, 21:55
Hiya all, I'm back again, for the wrong reasons.

I'm starting to go through stress, the reasons are:
[B)] GCSE and GNVQ exams starting in just over a month, coursework needs sorting.
[B)] I fear my back problem is getting worse, my hip is raised and my shoulder has lowered.
[B)] I have a breast lump which still haven't been checked properly yet, scared it could be cancer and linked with my Nan's problem (she died from ovary cancer)
[B)] My boyfriend's Mum is in a hump with me and I'm scared to go and visit my boyfriend tomorrow.
[B)] Two of my friends were almost raped yesterday, I'm not meant to know this.
[B)] My Mum may be made redundant because of the NHS and I'm scared about loosing money etc, she's not talking to me much about it.

My body is starting to takes it's toll now:
[B)] Two periods both two weeks early in a row, keep gettin cramps and feeling weak.
[B)] Loosing hair (not extreme amounts).
[B)] Heavy breathing and rapid heart beat (like a Panic Attack but not breaking up into onw)
[B)] Twitching
[B)] Being really alert, like I flintch when someone turns the light on or off or makes a sound.
[B)] Chest pains.

I need to calm down, especially with my early periods, because I don't want to be ill. I can't really talk to anyone about like, like (and especially) my boyfriend, parents and friends because they don't understand, that's why I can back here.

How can I calm down? I don't really want to spend my Easter money on Rescue Remedies or alike.

Thanks, and Happy Easter!

Scooties Back

16-04-06, 22:21
Sorry I forgot to add that I started getting palpatations early this year.

Scooties Back

16-04-06, 23:23
Welcome Back Scootie,

You seem to have a few problems going on there, so no wonder you are suffering so much anxiety.

Try and assess what are you really big worries, especially those that were around when you had your palpatations a while back.

Get stuck into sorting the college work to occupy your mind - by starting that you will tell your mind that you are addressing this particular issue, especially if you tell yourself that you are just doing your best. Don't fret about that.

Are you due to have your lump looked at 'properly' - the sooner you can be reassured over this the better.

Even though your exams are only a month away, ensure your brain has plenty of rest too - with all your worries, your brain will easily get tired. So put enough time aside to chill out with your mates or whatever.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-04-06, 23:33
Thanks for the responce Ray.

I'm trying my hardest to get this all sorted, I just want to go back to school and finish it all yet I don't because it'll cause me more stress.

My main causes of stress are what I put up there, I have mini stresses but I didn't feel the need to add them. My palpatations started because I got stressed out with my back pain and they come more often like when I worry.

My Mum needs to get a day off work to sort out an appointment for my breast, I need to have an ultra sound.

I want to calm down about my exams but it's hard for me. My parents expect me to pas every exam I do (12 in total) and I feel like there's just too much.

I think I may be getting a Panic Attack due to this. I've tried to control them but I'm just going to let it come out, 'better out then in'. My chest is hurting and I feel dizzy with lack of concentration. Also I'm finding it hard to control my breathing.

Thanks for the help though and for listening.

Scooties Back

16-04-06, 23:39
hi jade,

you know hun, back to basics.

one day at a time. one problem at a time. doctors for all your medical concerns. try and spend as much time as you can studying. and start talking about your feelings again, hopefully it will help you to cope. you know you can recover.

you take care .. andrew x

16-04-06, 23:40
Sounds like a tough time for you so I can understand your anxiety. I've had some of your symptoms during times of stress/anxiety eg feeling weak, some hair loss (but I'm male), heavy breathing, rapid heart, feeling alert (on edge all the time).

There are a few options but first try changing your way of thinking into a positive way. Look at the good things. You could also try counselling, homeopathy, bach flower remedies or conventional medical treatment.

16-04-06, 23:50
Andrew: I do take my time to study, I read my History Medicine book some days, practise Mathematical equations other days and watch programmes on the development of babies for Child Care on other days. I even practise to start talking properly (correct spelling and punctuation) for my English which is what I'm more worried about. Thanks for the positive note.

Dave: Since doing this thread I've started to experience more symptoms (bright lights, dizziness, lack of concentration, dry mouth, chest pains, palpatations, twitches, deeper breathes, fidgeting etc). I can't ask my parents for counselling for my Panic Attacks because they won't let me, it took me six months to persuade my Mum to take me to the doctors about my back, and twelve months afterwards, then found out I had a curved spine. I will try talking to my school nurse because she discovered my breast lump and helped me when I broke my finger in BasketBall and she is very understanding, she may pass my name forward to someone.

Thanks eveyone.

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 01:26
I'm really sorry but I couldn't stop myself, I'm having a Panic Attack. I tried everything I could do to try and stop it but I couldn't. There's me thinking I was cured.

To be honest guys I sort of had a feeling this would happen, because of my GCSE exams, back problem and breast.

Sorry, I just couldn't stop it. I was chatting to Connexions and all they could do was tell me to call someone but I can't even talk at the moment, they couldn't tell me how to calm down.

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 01:36
Hi jade, its nice to see you but sad too, you have got so much on, exams and etc are such a nightmare but at the end off the day you can only do your best and no amount of worrying will alter your results.
When my daughter did her GCSE s (she did 12 too) she was so worried I felt as if I was doing them too, she went in did her best and passed every one.Getting majority As and Bs but if I could of done anything to change things I would have taken away all the stress and worries even if she failed them all.Health is more important.
Sorry you have so may problems, but talking about them here hopefully will help.
Take care.xxx

17-04-06, 01:39
Thanks for that Alexis, I just hope I get those reults too.

I'm just so scared at the moment, I may have to come of the PC as I just just can type or see.

I'm seeing my boyfriend today and I'm too scared to tell him that I had a Panic Attack as he may blame himself. I just want to run away, nothing is going right for me!

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 01:42
Aww Jade it seems like that but you know you can overcome it, life is hard for you at moment.
Like I say results dont matter.Look after your health.
Im sure your boyfriend will understand and help you through it, is it still Mike?

17-04-06, 01:48
Yeah it is. I was going to call him as he may be up late but I'm not sure, should I text him>?

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 01:55
I would text and then if he replies you know hes up and you can call. i think texts are wonderful, if he is asleep he will silence his phone wont he so nothing lost, you dont have to mention the panic in the text, just incase he reads it in the morning and cant get hold of you, he will worry then.

17-04-06, 02:02
I txt him asking if he was busy, he said he wasn't so I said I'm in an attack. omg he txt bak and im panicin more

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 02:09
Can you talk to him Jade? Perhaps he can help reassure you a bit.xxx

17-04-06, 02:19
I called Mike, wih him worrying it's made me worse.

My hands are in a crap, i cant feel them. My lower back and bum are pins and needles. i keep breathin sharply and quickly. i can see smoke and theres buzzin in my ears. i dunno wats happenin?

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 10:09
Hi Jade, how are things today, did you get any sleep, have you got any books for your anxiety which you read last time, perhaps you could refresh your memory a bit, I know when I got bad again I went right back to doing what I did in the beginning, relaxation etc.
I hope you mananged some sleep and feel a bit better.

17-04-06, 12:00
Morning Jade (Scootie),

Hun reading your post made me think that while I know exams are a step to where you want to go, they are not the be all and end all of life!!!!

I have 3 teenage daughters and if they felt under that sort of pressure to pass then I would cry my heart out!!!! As a mum all I want for them is all they want for themselves - but most of all that they feel happy and secure within themselves.

You sound like a honey of a daughter and I am sure your parents will be proud of you whatever you do.

Take each of your listed worries one by one and seek reassurance for them. Most of them sound stress related and the ones that aren't you seem to already be dealing with, so will get those sorted out in due course.

Keep coming on here mate and get stuff off your chest when you need to.

Biggest hug.

Love Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-04-06, 20:48
Alexis: I went to bed at 4am this morning, I went into a huge panic attack that I just couldn't cope, I layed down with a plastic bag then before I knew it I was asleep, woke up at 7 to go and see my boyfriend. I'm so glad I saw him, he made me feel a whole lot better!

Piglet: I'm really glad that your daughters are ok with these exams, I just think it's peer pressure, all my family and teachers are expecting me to pass all my GCSE's and I feel if I don't don't enough then my parents will think I didn't work hard enough when I really do.

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 23:17
Hi jade, great you got some sleep, I thought youd gone after my last message as you didnt appear to be online, I was going to suggest going into chat, ages since Ive been but would of gone in.
Glad you got to see boyfriend too, and got the reassurance you needed.
hope today has been better for you.

18-04-06, 17:25
Thanks Alexis. I'm still shaken from that panic attack but I've kept myself calm since, I'm even doing Citizenship Coursework as we speak, lol.

Thanks again!

Scooties Back

19-04-06, 15:56
Hiya Hun

I joined whilst you were away back in Feb.

Just read your thread & hope you are feeling ok today?

Thinking of you re the GCSE exams.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

19-04-06, 16:02

Bit late but welcome to the forum, lol.

I am ok thank you, I'm still stressed, especially with my Maths teacher who doesn't talk to me (well, to us top three students) very nicely. Also school is kind of a stressy time for me, got to get the last bits of coursework done and need to make sure I can answer questions in the exams. What's more stressful I have to do 12 exams!!! Aaaaaagggggghhhhhhh!

Hope you're ok yourself, thanks for the message :)

Scooties Back

21-04-06, 11:56
Hiya Scootie

LOL thanks for the belated welcome.

Good luck with the exams we all know you can do it hun.

Im okay thanks

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart