View Full Version : Me,Myself and I

I love rufus
08-05-11, 08:08
Hello All,
Im Melissa and I have been struggling with Anxiety,Panic and the O in OCD (obsessive thoughts) starting when I was 12,im 25 now. I go from being very stable and panic free to very unstable and full of anxiety! I recently lost my job where I was making decent money and am now working a job where im making half of what I made before. I struggle with money and often dont even have money to get to work. My boyfriend and I have been having little fights that led up to a big blowout a couple days ago. So you can imagine what level my anxiety is at now! VERY HIGH. My obsessive thoughts are often Magical thinking which SUCKS. I also suffer from the what-ifs. I recently suffered a crazy panic attack due to magical thinking. My friend has a mirror her mom bought from a tag sale that was supposedly involved in a tragedy and I obsessed that the negative energy from the mirror would rub off onto me. SO SILLY. I know but this is the kind of crap that runs through my head that I cant stop. Last time I got a tattoo the guy used numbing spray with lidocaine and I OBSESSED that the lidocaine had seeped into my skin and was slowly poisoning me. I googled it so much and seriously thought I was dying! My poor boyfriend has to put up with me but thats why I love him so much lol. Im rambling but typing this out made me feel a bit better :)

08-05-11, 08:10
Hi I love rufus

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-05-11, 18:07
hello :)

You are not rambling at all lol thats what this place is for, its good to get things off your chest once in a while.


09-05-11, 04:35
Hi, it's nice to read these kind of snippets because they make me feel like I'm not the only one. I suffer from exactly the same as you and also have a boyfriend who is very very good at putting up with me, but also listening and just genuinely being there. However, he recently had to work abroad and has been there on and off for two months and I have another two weeks before he'll be home. I know that that's why I've been suffering really badly recently and tonight have had a panic attack and still haven't slept at all. Luckily I work from home a lot so can use that time to recover from something like this but it's always the irrational thoughts I have problems with - they last two or three days before I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Do you feel the same and how do you cope with it?