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anxious eddy
08-05-11, 09:21
help i cant get out this mist thats over me at the moment im sure im dying from inside out, ive got lower back pain and stomach pain just below my belly button ,so far this morning ive had 4 froms of the dreaded c word im havingmeds for health anxiety but they cant kick me out of this feeling, ive been down for a few weeks now also i need to pee as soon as ive drunk anything and my stools are loser than normal is it just stress someone help me please

08-05-11, 09:51
Hi :)
The big C has been quite a fixation for me too (its very prevelant in my family) and to make matters worse, i work in a hospital and love working in oncology.
So far ive had most types (in my head) and the symptoms you get i get too and can safely say it hasnt turned out to be the big C.
Anxiety gets your digestive system too, so loose stools and cramps/pain. turned out im also wheat intollerant and since giving it up its made such a difference. As for frequent peeing, well ive got the bladder of a 90 year old lol. but your describing the same anxiety symptoms ive had for a long time.
I know its hard but try to look at your diet and what your drinking too. Most of the patients i come across dont have the same kind of symptoms. IE large amounts of blood in stools in terms of bowl CA.
I hope this helps a bit, its really scary i know but it will pass and changes to your diet will help in many ways.

Take care xxx :)

anxious eddy
08-05-11, 10:54
thanks kate it helps just knowing im not alone, i hate how i feel but i know i can overcome it again but im struggling today

08-05-11, 15:09
Some days are better than others arent they and its such a horrible feeling when those thoughts spiral and then i dont know bout you but i commit the worse healthcare sin: google.
I can laugh when im having a good day but its not funny scrutinising every part of your body.
Your not alone and your not going mad (i often think i am). Always here if you need help. :)

anxious eddy
08-05-11, 17:42
lol kate me to i wish i never had a computer sometimes,its to easy to become obsessed then i create additional symptoms , i can laugh on good days to and usually i have lots of good days but a bit of a drought of them at the mo but i know i can and will get there its just hard and thanks you its good to hear im not alone