View Full Version : Food intolerance or could this just be the acid ??

08-05-11, 09:51
I have been suffering for a while now with stomach pains, bad acid, spasms etc and i had blood tests done at my doctors for chrons, ceoliac etc all came back negative apart from one which was showing high allergies :wacko:
anyway i have had all kinds of tests done scans, ultrasounds, x-rays and all clear am just waiting on a allergy clinic appointment which is not until july :weep:
so i went and bought an intolerance food kit and done that there was 3 results low, med & high so i waited for the results which the wheat showed up as med which just meant limit i hardly eat wheat anyway as all my bread is gluten & wheat free but am wondering if i do really have a food intolerance or not as i seen a dietitian and she said i defo don't have ceoliac or anything like that and she thinks its all just acid as my symptoms happen with gluten free foods or gluten foods etc ....

it happens if i eat sugary foods mainly biscuits & choc and sometimes with normal mash meat anything any way with sugary its i get a tight squeesing feeling just below ribs in center or sometimes just around belly button area also burning between shoulder blades & in chest and the trembles ?
does this sound like just acid or ?
as like i said it can happen with any foods but worse with junk foods choc etc

08-05-11, 10:03
i get the same feeling too, the docs told me i have acid reflux,it hurts so bad.. the center of my chest.. when i ate junk food,salty,spicy and alcohol beverages.. plus i thought its my heart because im having sharp chest pains because of anxiety

08-05-11, 10:26
Hi sorry you are still suffering with this ,i think it does sound like acid causing it.Im the same just now with constant burping and heatburn which i dont get often but i have been getting a lot over the last few days.I think the prob is we worry and it makes it all worse.Hope you feel better soon kind regards molly

08-05-11, 10:59
Hi sorry you are still suffering with this ,i think it does sound like acid causing it.Im the same just now with constant burping and heatburn which i dont get often but i have been getting a lot over the last few days.I think the prob is we worry and it makes it all worse.Hope you feel better soon kind regards molly

you've just said the same as what my boyfriend always says before i even eat anything wheat or not wheat i worry so much will it cause pains etc so i already put them into my head :weep: before i have even eaten them and the fact it happens with no matter what i eat even fruit etc..... talking about it even smoking just agrovates it
the hospital tested my bloods with wheat, soya-beans, milk & eggs all negative :(
i no am allergic to sudofed (cough medicine) i was just sitting here thinking could that be what is showing up in my bloods

08-05-11, 11:57
I don't want to disappoint you, Honeypie, but every doctor I have spoken to has said that tests such as the York Test are incredibly unreliable and don't have sound science behind them. Apparently, at the moment, the only way to find out what you are intolerant to is to do a strict elimination diet. (I was disappointed - as I was going to buy one of the tests!)

I know you don't want an endoscopy, but maybe you should think about it again - it might not show anything sinister, but it might show the extent of the inflammation (if that's what it is) and the gastro might be able to give you something that works better. Oddly, low stomach acid can also cause pain in the stomach, as well as high stomach acid - and only a gastro would be able to see if that is the problem.

I know how rubbish you're feeling. I'll let you know how I get on with the Manuka Honey :)

08-05-11, 12:05
I don't want to disappoint you, Honeypie, but every doctor I have spoken to has said that tests such as the York Test are incredibly unreliable and don't have sound science behind them. Apparently, at the moment, the only way to find out what you are intolerant to is to do a strict elimination diet. (I was disappointed - as I was going to buy one of the tests!)

I know you don't want an endoscopy, but maybe you should think about it again - it might not show anything sinister, but it might show the extent of the inflammation (if that's what it is) and the gastro might be able to give you something that works better. Oddly, low stomach acid can also cause pain in the stomach, as well as high stomach acid - and only a gastro would be able to see if that is the problem.

I know how rubbish you're feeling. I'll let you know how I get on with the Manuka Honey :)

i have my appointment with allergy clinic in july am gonna keep ringing up to see if i can get an earlier appointment i just hate the way am always burning or in pain but i no its also down to my diet as i can be fine for days etc then eat a piece of choc or something and then the acid kicks off and it has been bad for 3-4 days now bt i have ate choc in between these days which i no is keeping the acid alive :lac: but am also finding am hungry 247 even after i have just eaten and its stressing me out x i wouldnt mind trying that diet thing porridge, rice chicken etc

08-05-11, 12:57
I definately think it would be a good idea to try the elimination diet, but you do need to give it a bit of time as foods you have eaten may still affect you for a couple of weeks if they have cause any inflamation due to intolerance or allergy, it can't hurt to give it a try, you will give yourself a head start as the allergy clinic may ask you to do this anyway, i would advise keeping a diary of the things you eat, any symptoms you have and what new foods you have introduced etc and take it with you to the appointment xx

08-05-11, 14:11
I definately think it would be a good idea to try the elimination diet, but you do need to give it a bit of time as foods you have eaten may still affect you for a couple of weeks if they have cause any inflamation due to intolerance or allergy, it can't hurt to give it a try, you will give yourself a head start as the allergy clinic may ask you to do this anyway, i would advise keeping a diary of the things you eat, any symptoms you have and what new foods you have introduced etc and take it with you to the appointment xx

am gonna try this starting now am just so anxious today got that feeling am waiting for something to happen to me,, also still constipated my stomach looks 9months pregnant :weep: all tight, burning in should blades and chest and bad nausea

08-05-11, 16:02
You could perhaps think about trying Aloe Vera juice (from Holland & Barratts). It is anti-inflammatory - so it's good for gastritis, and also has a mild laxative effect. Mind you, it might be better to eliminate the food you normally don't get on with first and see how you feel - or you might just be adding something further into the mix and won't know what is causing what.

The constant hunger could be down to sugar rushes and crashes. If you eat chocolate, when you 'crash' you will feel hungry again - quite soon after eating it.

Try to keep away from anything acidic, spicy and high in fat. Chocolate is high in fat, so it won't do you any favours. I drink a lot of 7-Up a day, and I have (reluctantly!) given it up because the chances are acid lemon flavour + fizz are adding to the acid. I'm also going to give up smoking in the next week, as again that affects gastritis. The problem is, if you keep eating the foods you know you don't get on with, it's no surprise you get the acid (as I have discovered!).

BTW nausea (as well as flatulence) is a side effect of Omeprazole. I can't take it because it makes me feel really really sick.

08-05-11, 16:23
You could perhaps think about trying Aloe Vera juice (from Holland & Barratts). It is anti-inflammatory - so it's good for gastritis, and also has a mild laxative effect. Mind you, it might be better to eliminate the food you normally don't get on with first and see how you feel - or you might just be adding something further into the mix and won't know what is causing what.

The constant hunger could be down to sugar rushes and crashes. If you eat chocolate, when you 'crash' you will feel hungry again - quite soon after eating it.

Try to keep away from anything acidic, spicy and high in fat. Chocolate is high in fat, so it won't do you any favours. I drink a lot of 7-Up a day, and I have (reluctantly!) given it up because the chances are acid lemon flavour + fizz are adding to the acid. I'm also going to give up smoking in the next week, as again that affects gastritis. The problem is, if you keep eating the foods you know you don't get on with, it's no surprise you get the acid (as I have discovered!).

BTW nausea (as well as flatulence) is a side effect of Omeprazole. I can't take it because it makes me feel really really sick.

So maybe this trapped wind / constipation is from the omprazole ?? Will speak to doc the nausea

Don't come unless am full of wind or constipated !! I have just downloaded and printed off the easy eliminationn diet planb so will start it as from now and fingers crossed I can stick to it but like u said I already no what does kick off my stomach mainly chocolates and some biscuits/ jellys and because I love them I carry on eating them and then I pay for it but today my stomach is so big & tight and just feel so ill with bad nausea and the burning all in back and chest it feels like I've been sunbathing and got burnt that stinging feeling :(

08-05-11, 17:18
im using nexium 40mg everyday plus a strict diet.. so far its improving except my anxiety n sharp chest pains is still occuring time to time but the burning sensation in my sternum had gone for 2 weeks now

09-05-11, 12:39
Just been the walk in center as my stomach is still swollening :( he listened to my stomach and said it all sounds in good working order lol and it cud be down to anything my ibs / allergies / constipation etc.... But I have been the loo again this morning I told him the swelling came 4days ago as soon as I ate a pk of jelly babies and hasn't gone down since I have an appointment at the allergy clinic but not untill july I just wanna go to put my mind at rest more than anything I no that some biscuits & cookies kick off my stomach so staying away from them for now but if it was an allergy wouldn't I be really ill? Not just a swollen belly? Whatever it is I no its making my anxiety go sky high its just 1 thing after another. This morning woke up with both ankles swollen :(

09-05-11, 17:16
Just been the walk in center as my stomach is still swollening :( he listened to my stomach and said it all sounds in good working order lol and it cud be down to anything my ibs / allergies / constipation etc.... But I have been the loo again this morning I told him the swelling came 4days ago as soon as I ate a pk of jelly babies and hasn't gone down since I have an appointment at the allergy clinic but not untill july I just wanna go to put my mind at rest more than anything I no that some biscuits & cookies kick off my stomach so staying away from them for now but if it was an allergy wouldn't I be really ill? Not just a swollen belly? Whatever it is I no its making my anxiety go sky high its just 1 thing after another. This morning woke up with both ankles swollen :(

Now am back to square one to scared to eat anything am sticking to this plain bland diet plan for four weeks to see how I go then start adding foods back in but right now am just so anxious with all the over thinking and worrying my symptoms are -

Bloated / swollen stomach I get relieve when I trump or have a wee
Always needing a wee
Loads of smelly wind
Crazy loud stomach noises and bubbl type movements
Happens mainly when I eat normal (wheat) biscuits but am not allergic to wheat can eat gluten free biscuits an be fine I can't stop worrying

10-05-11, 09:02
Remember there is a difference between food allergy and food intolerance. You might have a sensitivity to wheat, but not be allergic to it. The only way you will know is if you cut it out of your diet and find you feel better.

I've been doing this for a while now and eating gluten free bread/ biscuits etc,, and still getting some burning or pains etc doc said it WILL most prob be my IBS and acid but am just gonna see how I go for a while without biscuits/ sweets junk food etc x x

10-05-11, 09:43
*Big Hugs*
I have all those symptoms, just wish I knew what causing them,
Even tho I have acid, my acid test was normal, ( I miss that test, so want it again) so sometimes I think what if it not acid, but stress makes it worse,

10-05-11, 11:28
Am the same i have had loads of tests - bloods, ultrasound, xray etc and all clear and am still up & down in pain/ bloated stomach / acid etc the worse is the burning in stomach & shoulder blades and my stomach looking and feeling pregnant I just hate it so much I have just rang the allergy uk line and the lady on phone said for 4weeks write everything down but eat everything made from scratch and then start adding things back in after a few weeks I told her my symptoms etc and she said it sounds like I have more of an intolerance and not an allergy....
Can you get over an intolerance or have to live with it ??