View Full Version : cant stop worrying about ovarian cancer. making me feel ill :(

08-05-11, 12:09
if yiu read my last thread you'll know my grandmother died of OC at 42.
My great grandmother also had breast cancer (atleast we think she did) when she was in her 20's-30's.
My great Aunt (grandmothers sister) has never had breast cancer but has had a hysterctomy for other medical reasons, so no chance of her getting OC.

My mother has never had either disease.

Im terrified I have the faulty gene. I cant stop worrying.

Since my worrying this morning I have started experiencing anxiety symptoms again, tingling in hands and feet :(

I keep telling myself that grandmother/great grandmother is a little far down the family line to come to me just yet and if my mum gets it THEN worry.. but its not helpin me as Im absolutely convinced I have got it. :(

macc noodle
08-05-11, 15:34
Did you see my reply to your other post?

Go and ask for CA125 blood test and ultrasound - explain family history and your worries.

I am convinced I have OC - have been feeling rather unwell for a while which has been described as IBS/my age/my anxiety but am not convinced - had CA125 test last September - all clear. Didnt have scan - too scared - but now decided to have scan to sort this out once and for all.

More to life than worrying about these things - we may as well take the tests and get the answers.


08-05-11, 16:06
Another OC worrier here..it is amazing how it takes over your life... I agree with Macc - have a test if you are worried and have any of the symptoms.

08-05-11, 16:44
i was offered the test and i turned it down out of fear. :(
im sorta hoping being just the grandaughter (2nd degree relative) of a woman who died of it, i'll not have anything to worry about. Unless my mother gets it. :(
I cant remember my grandma much which is sad. She died of the illness at such a young age (i think 42 is very young)

08-05-11, 16:52
I think you should have the test if you're worried it's genetic.

There are two things that drastically reduce chances of ovarian cancer: having children and taking the pill. You might want to consider taking the pill if your really worried.

macc noodle
08-05-11, 17:24
i was offered the test and i turned it down out of fear. :(
im sorta hoping being just the grandaughter (2nd degree relative) of a woman who died of it, i'll not have anything to worry about. Unless my mother gets it. :(
I cant remember my grandma much which is sad. She died of the illness at such a young age (i think 42 is very young)

But honey you are feeling fear now that you do have it - so surely it would be better just to get it done and have your mind put at rest?

I know it is scary - I am suffering myself over the fear of ovarian cancer - but trust me mine has gone on too long and I am now having the most terrible anxiety symptoms and panic attacks that I would not wish on anyone which is why I have gathered up my resolve and asked for a scan.

What have you got to lose by having the test and scan? Nothing - cos you are frightened you may have it without the benefit of the test results!


08-05-11, 17:40
i had a scan 11 months ago with my 2nd son and I cant tell you the drama I caused when asked to lie down.

The sonographer was looking at me like I was crackers.
When she told me nothing was on my ovaries I burst into fits on tears :(
Before that scan I'd had one 2 years prior and the same again, in floods of tears when I was told to lie down.... Honestly I am looked upon as mental.

I go in there, the scan lady is expecting to see a happy expectant mother who cant wait to see her baby and then she gets me " OMG PLEASE DONT LOOK AT MY OVARIES, I BEG YOU.. I'VE GOT CANCER I KNOW IT''

Its dreadful,

After the first initals scans with my kiddies I had them every 3 weeks because I then wanted to check the health of the baby. Its just having the first scan thats the problem.

When I was pregnant I refused all ante natal blood testing because I was convinced I had leukemia.
During labour I had some problems and they had to beg me to take the blood. Again I was screaming " NOOOO PLEASE NOOO, YOU'LL FIND I HAVE LEUKEMIA I KNOW IT" :(

Its a terrible thing to go through. Its not right at 25. I've not had time to enjoy my life, I have been like this for 12 years now. xx

macc noodle
08-05-11, 17:47
ooh Jeanine - peas in a pod we are!!!! I hated my scans when expecting both my children because I was utterly utterly convinced that they would look at my insides and say "OMG you have got cancer and there is nothing we can do" - I know that I was a complete nightmare (still am LOL).

Honey I am 50 and I have been like this for years and it is just getting worse and worse and there isn't a day goes by that I do not fear that I will die and guess what one day I will! I have realised having hit the big 50 that tests and examinations are going to be required more now older (great) and although I am terrified I have to get on with it.

I am scared witless about the scan and I know that I will be a complete nervouse wreck but I have to do it because, like you, I want to enjoy life and not be frightened all the time.

So, all you need to do now (hard I know) is decide what is going to put your mind at rest - physical examinations ? CBT? Medications? and then see if you can work towards getting some closure and get on with enjoying life.:D

You will find support here - it is down to the support of a great group of ladies here that I have found the resolve to get my scan done and to sort it out.
