View Full Version : Qustion does any one feel this this

08-05-11, 14:16
just want to ask every one this question do they some times feel worse when coming on here reading other peoples symtoms as just lately when i come one here and read posts about what symtoms people have it makes start thinking ive got them symtoms or im going to get them and it makes me get worse or is just because of my anxiety im thinking this way and its making me think to stop coming on here and reading posts or am just reading into things too much

15-05-11, 11:22
Hello. Yes - know what you mean. Sometimes I come on here, read a few posts and feel relieved that I am not the only one out there going mad. Sometimes I read posts that talk about symptoms I don't have or how something didn't work for someone and get stuck in that endless round of negative thinking that all of those symptoms I haven't had yet are about to get me soon. Swings and roundabouts. Some good days, some crap days. All we can do is try and get through all of the days. Don't stop coming back though - it's amazing how some persons's comments can make you feel so much better. :-)

16-05-11, 02:17
Yep Tricia - like Vicky above says, I sometimes come on here and think oh hell, I could imagine that is something I would be likely to suffer with! Then other times I feel I am not alone and it is one of the few places I can express my own anxieties. Overall it is a very positive experience coming here, I think the trick is to know when it will help and when it might not (and what it is here that won't help - perhaps you can try to avoid any posts that may make you feel worse).


16-05-11, 02:33
Hi, yes this happens to me too. In fact I've not been on NMP much for about 6 weeks because I didn't want to 'dwell' too much on my anxiety. I think at times it can be very helpful talking to others about your symptoms and getting support, but unfortunately some of the posts can be quite negative and reading those isn't always helpful if you are feeling low yourself. I think the good thing about online forums is you can dip in and out of them as and when you need them. When you need support you can read/write posts but if you feel it's not helping you can stay away for a while. Do what you think is best for you. :flowers:

16-05-11, 04:28
Yes, that happens to me too. Of course, I also visit much more when I am not well. After all when life is smooth sailing, I don't feel the need. You just have to go with what seems best for you. I sometimes would just look for posts that were positive and only read those. Best wishes.

16-05-11, 05:21
In fact, i have had elevated anxiety close to panic today because of this! I havent felt like this in a while. It's mainly my fault though because i allow myself to let negative thinking to get in the way. I have read posts today about people suffering Visual Migraines and while reading the posts i have found out all the scary things it might actually be! Sometimes like googling! But i guess we know the risks and choose to go ahead and read anyways!
