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View Full Version : How many palpitations is 'normal'?

08-05-11, 17:43
So some of you will remember me posting about my painful palpitations. They have died down thank goodness. But now they have come back since yesterday as regular stop starting of my heart, but very frequently. So I'm just wondering how many palpitations you can get in say an hour and it still be classed as you not having a problem?

I've been ignoring them but they're just getting really annoying tbh and it's frustrating me.

08-05-11, 22:06
i had a 24 hr heart monitor and had 20 an hour, they say thats fine, i had 500 in the 24 hr period with none whilst i was asleep, ive had alot tonight whilst i've been on here, they're frustrating as anything!

08-05-11, 22:24
And they are benign?

I am hoping that the increase is just to do with bring pregnant. I am really trying to ignore them and get on with it but they are so distracting.

I have had a rise in stomach discomfort which I wad hoping might be the cause and am clinging onto that as an explanation.

08-05-11, 22:38
yeah just keep telling yourself they can't harm you, try to ignore them best you can, frustrating i know, i hate them i just take a deep breath and carry on as normal, i've had a few painful ones and just keep telling myself if my doc was worried id be wired up and in hospital by now! :)

09-05-11, 09:45
My father is 81 and he has had constant ectopics for 10 years. I went on a 3 mile walk through the countryside with him last weekend and he kept up with me!

09-05-11, 11:34
every day I get at the very least one or two very noticeable ones every hour. Unless I am having an anxiety attack in which case it feels like they are constant, I guess now I just tell myself that for the past two years they havent killed me and are perfectly normal, so I just go along with it now

09-05-11, 17:41
Well I have had so many today I decided to take myself off to the dr just to be on the safe side. In short all was ok and she did an ECG just to be doubly sure which was 'normal' too. Do just got to put up with the damn things.

10-05-11, 10:55
Does anyone else have any input on this? Still happening far too much for my liking.

10-05-11, 12:19
I can have days with hundreds - some make me dizzy if I get a run of them.

11-05-11, 13:20
I'm beginning to think I've been having tons if them a day for ages because sometimes I don't notice them and as soon as I 'sit down they start up. It's getting me down a bit. I must be getting (when I notice them) 20+ an hour.

18-05-11, 22:20
I'm so at the end of my tether with this guys. I'm getting tons still and it feels like my heart is missing one to two beats a time. I need some perspective as I'm seriously getting frightened by them again :( Just wish they would stop or calm down a bit.

19-05-11, 05:31
I have been having heart palpitations (I guess that's what you call them) since I was 17. I'm 45 now and strong and active. My doctor says they are normal. I get them more often when I'm tired and run down. Usually when I am laying down to watch TV or going to bed.

19-05-11, 19:40
I get alot of palpatations everyday, they felt worse when i was pregnant but i think i was panicing more making them worse type thing because i was thinking they were going to harm the baby. But i have had 3 sucessful pregnancies and been told that palpatations are normal in general anyway! I get alot of painful ones and when i go to take a deep breathe i get sharp pains aswell. But i have been having these since i was just before 16 and im 23 now, so as alot of people have said i just learn to deal with them type thing, easier said than done i know! But i just think that if something bad was going to happen then it would of happened by now.

20-05-11, 10:23
i get them too seems to be if i haev had a heavy drinking session the night before, anyone else get this.

27-05-11, 17:38
i get them too seems to be if i haev had a heavy drinking session the night before, anyone else get this.

Like I mentioned up above, I seem to get palpitations if I am tired. Drinking wears out your body, so getting palpitations the day after drinking would seem normal.

26-06-11, 22:38
i have about 5 aday but its mainly if i stress out or when i goto bed heat races and specail if i jump up outts bed its like me hearts gunna jump out and run down the road hehe and no comments bout fast heart beats in bed " no such luck " hehe sorry didnt mean lower tone but blimey just add be said , love ya all x