View Full Version : Magnesium making me feel soooo tired!?

08-05-11, 17:47
Hey guys

My b/f and I have for the past couple of days have been using Magnesium oil before bed.

My b/f is currently taking Cipralex, Clonazepam (until the anxiety comes down) and Olanzapine.

Since starting the Magnesium he is extremely tired, like body tired, no energy. It's calmed the pacing down but it's making him anxious the fact that he feels so tired.

Anyone know much about it? :shrug:

*** I think it may be the Cipralex now, seems to be quite common at 4 weeks, anyone know if this will pass?***
Thanks all xx

08-05-11, 17:56
Hi Loops ,
I take magnesium ..............but probably not the best one [from supermarket ]
havent heard of the fatigue side effect though .
I wonder if given the hell your boyfriend has been going through [and you :flowers:] .............it is his body finally slowing down and restoring his reserves .
he must be completely exhausted ..................and I hope this sign is that he is entering a recuperative phase . sleep and rest have been missing for you both so long ....sounds rational to me .

08-05-11, 18:22
Thanks Snowgoose, yes you could be right :), I have read that taking magnesium through the skin is the best way as we don't absorb it very well orally. I have also heard it called the natural valium so maybe with the Clonazepam it's too much?:wacko:

12-05-11, 12:10
If it is the Cipralex causing extreme tiredness, will this pass? Been on them 5 weeks Saturday