View Full Version : Panic/Anxiety in the media

08-05-11, 19:25
Was thinking over the last couple of days how unpublicised anxiety/panic/OCD etc etc are, I think that people who don't suffer with these things just aren't educated on them and I have found aren't very understanding or knowledgeable just because they are not educated, they are not being ignorant or anything I understand that but they just don't know any different, Like you don't see any advertising on tv or anything for panic disorder and I keep thinking why? Its still an illness that requires some research and awareness . Don't know what the point was in this post just wanted to say what I was thinking x

10-05-11, 22:12
I think you have made a good point. Those that don't suffer with it rarely understand just how physical and real it is to us.
It's funny that panic and anxiety disorders haven't been featured on shows like This Morning, which is surprising, because of the millions of people who suffer this terrible thing.

11-05-11, 17:30
yes thats what I was thinking, I was also thinking of perhaps writing an article for my local paper explaining what I have been going through and I want to make people aware that lots of us suffer and maybe I could mention this website but would have to check if thats ok.