View Full Version : It's time for me to confront it!

08-05-11, 22:19
Hi all.

I'm 21 years old and have had anxiety and panic attacks for several years now. I think they were initially caused by my illness (Lyme disease) which I got at the age of 14. The symptoms of that disease were so frightening at the time that they triggered panic attacks and eventually I started getting them when socialising with friends or going to public places. Unfortunately, I started to avoid public places all together for about 3 or 4 years. I didn't socialise at all during that time and lost contact with all of my friends.

The Lyme disease was treated and I felt a lot better. The panic attacks also improved a lot for about 18 months but they seem to have returned again. They have never completely gone away and I can't socialise or go to a restaurant, etc. without feeling intense anxiety. I've also noticed that I get extremely anxious and have panic attacks in open spaces. I tried walking across a field a couple of weeks ago and got half way before I completely freaked out and started having a panic attack - the fear was that I wouldn't be able to get back to the car.

It's really starting to get to me now. I turn 22 years old in June and I've never been in a long term relationship, never had a full time job and have missed countless holidays because I cannot go near an airport. It's caused numerous problems with my relationships with friends and family. I still don't see my friends and my family are just annoyed that I can't go on holiday with them or enjoy life with them.

I've decided that I really need to do something about it. My G.P is aware of my anxiety and has suggested CBT and counselling. He also mentioned medication before but I refused. However, I'm now thinking that it may be necessary and would be helpful alongside the CBT.

I'm worried that the medication may make the symptoms worse. Am I right to be concerned?

Any general advice or encouragement would be really appreciated.

Thanks. :hugs:

08-05-11, 23:15

I have had panic and anxiety for over 10 years, like you i avoid everything social and open spaces completely freak me out. I too struggle with relationships as i have nil confidence and feel that i couldn't possibly share my crazy life with another. I am 32 so don't you worry too much!

Anyway i have started cognitive therapy and am finding it brilliant. just talking about it with someone who understands is so uplifting. It is hard work as comfronting the demons is the key, and i have been set some tasks that have completely scared the life out of me. But saying that i have been out socially and have had a good time. I still have anxiety but i deal with it differently. I am started to trust my ability to calm myself down and deal with it. I think the therapy is fabulous and i would tell anyone with anxiety to go for it.

Life is too short to not try everything, so give it a try and see how it goes. once you start to believe in yourself, it pisses the anxiety off and eventually abates to a manageable amount.

Good luck and take care


08-05-11, 23:18
I forgot to add.....

That i am taking citalopram 30 mg and find this extremely helpful. I have few side effects and it does really take the edge of the anxiety especially when it's in full swing. It isn't a cure, the work is still all up to you but it's definitely worth a try. Why stuggle...


09-05-11, 06:56
I totally agree. i too been dealing with these issues. Do not hesitate to take on some medications, it really helped me. And in combination with therapy it really works. try it out, do anything you can do to feel better. besides there is no shame in taking meds.