View Full Version : stressed

08-05-11, 22:42
I am so stressed just now have loads going on and i am so tired.

I am worried ive failed this year of my degree have struggled throughout the year have one more essay to do which I need to pass as failed the other and i havent been able to concetrate on doing and its due in one thurs but have asked for an extension. Then have dreaded exam coming up which i am getting in a state about.

I have also hurt not one but both of my feet now so has been painful to walk not to mention worrying about this thing on my back.

I am so tired not sleeping, dont feel well, went away for few days to see if that would help but now back all the reminders of what i have toget done is there. Not to mention all the other crap that is going on.

Im a failiure always was always will be i guess!!! not good enough!! Maybe should give up i dont know anymore!! fed up with fighting it...feel so alone and frustrated with me.

09-05-11, 07:00
the thing is that your not alone, all people get frustrated at one point. just dont give up. whenever i am in such state i get the same feelings, but we need to be patient and keep on trying.

09-05-11, 08:12
Can you talk to your lecturers/supervisors about what's going on with you and perhaps get a doctors certficate so that you can get an extension on your essay?

I've found that often, with academia, keeping people informed is really important and that once informed, those people will be able to help you with your work load.

I also find that writing a list of what I need to do and the deadlines will help. It's very satisfying to tick things off the list and it gives you a visual indication that you ARE getting somewhere.

Doing pro-active things to help you minimise your stress will help!

I hope all goes well for you.

10-05-11, 23:29
Hi Pipi thanks for the advice

I have got an extension on my essay but still struggling with it!!

The degree i am doing is so intense and dont have any free time, the support is not great have told my tutor I am struggling with it and have health worries but they dont seem to care, guess its coming to the end now!!

I should just try and do one thing at a time rather than see it as an overload which is hard to do when theres so much going on.

thanks for the advice