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View Full Version : Freaking out!!!

09-05-11, 01:32
Hey guys,

So the other day I posted about my doc giving me meds for my acid reflux. She thinks I may also have a hiatus hernia so she gave me oleprozam to help.

Anyways I've always heard that a hernia caused by reflux is supposed to be harmless. I just read on a site that it can put pressure on the heart and cause heart disease :weep::weep::weep::weep:

I'm so terrified of heart disease and I'm really scared that if I do have a hernia that I could die from a heart attack!!! I mean the only reason my acid reflux started was because of my anxiety and now I'm reading that my acid reflux/hernia will put pressure on my heart!

Someone please calm me down. I'm in such a state right now.:weep:

09-05-11, 05:12
Hey Mark,

Just take a moment and breathe. Remember, if it was ANYTHING at all that could be even slightly threatening to your heart your doctor would have addressed this. She's given you some medication to help with it and if it was at risk of putting pressure on your heart she would have spoken to you about this. Remember, a lot of things you can read on the internet are very unreliable and often some things are so rare that it's only happened once or twice in the entire world and it's still listed as a possibility.

Just remember that your doctor does know what she is doing, she had to study for years and years to do what she does, and she is the best source of information you have. Anyone can post on the internet. Your doctor will know if you are at danger of having a heart attack.

Keep calm, you're in good hands :)