View Full Version : pressure feeling behind eye?

09-05-11, 01:47
hi, for about two weeks now ive had this kind of pressure feeling behind my right eye then last week i had pink eye for a day then it just randomly went away. i did a really stupid thing and googled my symptom and the answer brain tumor came up, im so upset, i know deep down this isnt a tumor too. i have heard sinusitis can cause similar symptoms has anyone else had this eye feeling? i have been feeling a bit groggy these past few weeks too im so worried though that i cant think logically :'( please help x

09-05-11, 05:08
Ugh I've had pressure behind my eyes many times, and behind other areas of my face. It's a really horrible thing to have, isn't it! A lot of the time it is just cause by muscle tension due to our anxiety. Try to relax (which I know is really hard!) but it's probably the best thing you can do. You'll find that the less you focus on it the sooner it'll go away. I know it's hard not to focus on it when it is so worrying, but things like this are usually made worse when we keep thinking about it! You could pop into a doctor or even a pharmacy iif it is worrying you a lot, but I'd generally just try and ignore it and see if it eases up in its own time.

09-05-11, 09:15
I had pain / pressure behind my right eye a few weeks ago...accompanied by a headache, I too was worried about a brain tumour! I went to the Opticians and had a check up and he could find nothing wrong with my eye and no sign increased pressure inside my head...

The pain eventually went away and I now know it was all down to stress and anxiety leading to muscle tension. If you read the symptoms list on the left hand side it will explain it in more detail.

09-05-11, 12:31
Two things to do to put your mind completely at rest is as previously posted get an eye test done if you havne't had one very recently and get your blood pressure checked - re pink eye.

Very very rarely a pink eye can be caused by high blood pressure bursting a blood vessel the eye membrane but this is actually a good thing - better in your eye than your head! But remember this is a VERY rare reason and usually no reason can be found its just one of those things.

An eye test would rule out all eye causes of pressure feeling and also put your mind at rest about a brain tumour as well.

It could all just be down to blocked sinuses.