View Full Version : Life is great...except for GAD

09-05-11, 04:30
I have a great life, generally. It's particularly good at the moment. I have a wonderful husband who is understanding, but not enabling, of my anxiety problems, a great house, enough money to live a frugal, but good life, my studies are going great guns, I have wonderful friends and I'm about to go on a fabulous three week holiday.

So why is my anxiety through the roof??

In the past I have struggled with depression and I'm certainly not depressed at the moment but I am feeling so frustrated that I have to live with the constant threat of anxiety hanging over my head. I think about it ALL. THE. TIME. I worry about worrying and then I worry some more.

My therapist is currently on maternity leave, so I'm not seeing her as often as I would like, so that is one reason. But at the same time, I want to be able to harness this myself and move on. Breathing exercises help a bit, but I need more tools to deal with the ever-present annoyance that is GAD.

Any suggestions for things that I can do on my own that might help?

p.s. I'm not someone who has found relaxation/meditation or mindfulness very helpful

10-05-11, 10:48
I know what you mean, it seems like we should have so much to be happy about and yet, GAD.
I find that martial arts helps me, im not a sit down and breath deeply sort of person, i find thai boxing/kickboxing a great way to vent and the way i feel after is great. Although i must say ive been ill for 3 months (sinuses) so cant do any gym and feel like my anxiety got worse sisnce i stopped trying to get fit.
If your like me, i have panic attacks coz im worried about having a panic attack in public. crazy I know.
But give it a try, each person prefers a different sort, maybe even zumba (not a martial art lol) and once you see how good you get, the sense of achievement is fantastic!

10-05-11, 11:27
Thanks Kate.

I *was* playing roller derby, but I injured my knee, so I've been off skates and thus doing less exercise recently and I have definitely noticed a return of the anxiety since then. I guess I need to find a way to get physical that's not going to hurt my knee. Maybe swimming...

I have panic attacks cos I'm worried about having panic attacks too. Ironic isn't it?