View Full Version : Scared off for Ultrasound Scan This Afternoon x

09-05-11, 10:37
Hi there, i am really worried ! I had some bleeding after intercourse with my husband and as you can imagine went into a complete panic ! Went to my doctor this morning, she had a look inside and did an internal exam and said everything looked fine, unfortunately i couldn't have a smear due to the bleeding over the weekend i have to go next monday for that, but she said to go for an ultrasound anyway for my piece of mind. I have managed to get an appointment for this afternoon at 4.30 but am scared stiff in case they find anything. Has anybody else had any experience with this ? xxx

09-05-11, 10:43
Relax ultrasound is quite nice, they use a cool gel and the scanner glides over your stomach its quite relaxing.

09-05-11, 12:26
That is totally amazing that you have got ultrasound same day as you see the Dr- must have been a cancellation. This is really good as you will know all is okay much faster. The ultrasound itself is nothing other than having a full bladder makes it a bit uncomfortable.

I had what you are experiencing about 10 years ago in my late 30's and I even had a colposcopy where they look at your cervix and scrape cells off and nothing at all - mine was due to unstable womb lining due to the beginning of peri meno and the mechanics of intercourse was loosening the womb lining and I would have a little bleed about 2 hrs later.

It lasted about 6 months with me and then stopped. If you are due a period then again intercourse can trigger it off as above so yes you need to get checked out to rule out the tiny tiny chance it is something iffy but nearly every time like me it is something harmless.

When you have the ultrasound Ihave found there are two sorts of radiographers - some tell you what they are seeing immediately and if everything is okay ( love them!) but you get others who sit there stony faced and say nothing and these really freak me out but it means nothing so don't worry if you get one of these horrors!

09-05-11, 14:49
I had this last year and went for colposcopy and it turned out to be an erosion, nothing serious at all. I've had another colposcopy since then and they said the erosion has healed nicely on it's own.

I was scared stiff, made myself quite ill through worrying but all was fine as I'm sure it will be with you. Best of luck xxx