View Full Version : Therapy with horses?

09-05-11, 12:07
Hi All,

I am looking at different otions to assist me with my depression and anxiety attacks.

I have come across a woman on the internet who says she helps Mindfulness, Complete Acceptance, Transformation and Healing - in the Company of Horses.

I am very tempted to try it out but not sure, has anyone ever tried therapy with horses before? Does it work?


09-05-11, 12:36
I'm not sure about horses, personally I prefer sheep!

09-05-11, 12:48
I'm from Wales, doesn't work with sheep for me! Not so theraputic! Seriously though anyone tried therapy with horses?

09-05-11, 13:02
I would really appreciate if you could ask your friend. I suffer from social anxiety and have a tendency to self-medicate using alcohol in social situatuions. Perhaps horses could be the way to go for me

09-05-11, 22:55

I've suffered from anxiety/panic/depression for over twenty years. Just over ten years ago I started to do voluntary work with horses. I just loved being around them. I love everything about them, their smell, the sound of their hooves. Grooming a horse is one of the most calming things there is in my opinion, as relaxing for me as it is for them, especially when they rest their head on your shoulder and blow in your face. The bad news though was I knackered my back from mucking out stables and lifting heavy feed bags, bales of hay, shavings etc. so I can't do it any more. I miss being around horses so much, I feel humbled in their presence. Gaining a horse's trust is a truly wonderful experience. They are generally very placid animals who are eager to please.

I would urge you to give it a go. Also, most stables are in the countryside which is great in itself. I could watch horses in a field for hours.


09-05-11, 23:11
haz..............your experience sounds life enhancing. we have horses nearby that come to get their polo mints daily.
sounds a good therapy to me ...animals are very intuitive and calming in the correct place of course .

09-05-11, 23:45
It was Snowgoose. After I knackered my back I did voluntary work in the SSPCA vet clinic, mainly cats and dogs, that was great too, but you need to be tough for that!!

There's just something about the presence of horses though. I love dogs too, had a greyhound for 9 years but she died last year sadly. Having to "lean over" one of my two cats to type this!!:winks:

09-05-11, 23:57
something about cats and laptops .they go together :hugs:
nice image in head Haz :)
got me thinking now about horses ........know what you mean about their presence and healing . x

10-05-11, 00:25
Thanks for the advice Haz. I have sent them an email today to setup a date to go and try out the therapy. I will let you know how I get on...hopefully I can connect with them.:)

paula lynne
10-05-11, 00:29
HI, when I was a student nurse, we did an in-depth study into the ill individual and animals...and how it effects mood. The bones of it was that animals, any animals, can help a person suffering with all types of problems, and it certainly has a positive effect on the anxious person. Particularly effective seem to be cats and dogs......good luck with your horse adventures! Failing that, maybe volunteer for an hour a week at your nearest kennels, or take a neighbours dog out occasionally? Best wishes to you x Well done on being pro-active x
Paula x

10-05-11, 19:27
Thanks for the advice Haz. I have sent them an email today to setup a date to go and try out the therapy. I will let you know how I get on...hopefully I can connect with them.:)

Good! The calmer you are around them, the calmer they will be with you. Take a packet of polo mints and you'll have a friend for life:yesyes:

Just watch you don't hurt your back:D

Keep us posted. x

10-05-11, 22:34
Thanks for the advice Haz. I have sent them an email today to setup a date to go and try out the therapy. I will let you know how I get on...hopefully I can connect with them.:)

Where are you doing this? I would love to this, what a wonderful way to help people

10-05-11, 23:48
I didn't do it as part of a "therapy" treatment. I just contacted a local stables or a riding school and asked if I could help out on a voluntary basis. Most will usually reward you with free rides/lessons if they have a suitable horse for a beginner.

Regards. x

13-05-11, 19:47
Where are you doing this? I would love to this, what a wonderful way to help people

I have contacted this company that are based in Chiiping Norton http://www.hopethruhorses.com/
