View Full Version : Extremely bad throat pain help!!

09-05-11, 13:46
I am experiencing alot of pain in my throat, when i feel it i feel lots of lumps and bumps and its starting to scare me.
it hurts slightly when i swallow but i cant work out whether my glands are up or not. It also hurts when its touched and when i eat. thanks

09-05-11, 17:25
Hi Duke,
Sorry to hear your throat is bad atm. I've had the same thing over the last few weeks, although mine doesn't hurt when I eat. I went to the docs as had convinced myself that it was definately some kind of cancer (oh the joys of health anxiety!!) and he looked at it and said he thought it looked fine and put it down to anxiety!! I thought I could feel lots of strange lumps in my throat when I felt down my neck and was constantly poking and prodding it which the doctor said made it sore! I've now banned myself from touching my throat!!
I'm trying to drink lots of fluids as my throat feels very dry most of the time and also so I can check I can still swallow properly - lol!
I'm also gargling with tcp which seems to soothe it. One thing I realised I was doing was holding my tongue high in my mouth which wasn't helping so now I try to keep my tongue relaxed and on the bottom of my mouth.
Hope your throat feels better soon and if you really are worried, pop and see the doctor, its what they are there for, although I do find that ever since I was diagnosed with anxiety everything is down to anxiety when I see the doctor, oh well, makes a change from a viral infection!!
Take care.

09-05-11, 19:03
No harm in asking your doctor about it if you are in pain. If you are in pain, see a doctor. not a forum. Could have small infection or something, only a gp would know.