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09-05-11, 14:06
hi has anyone had a urine test at gp and showed blood /protein/white blood cells in it so said i had infection so they sent another one off to hospita lthe same day to be cultured and it came back totally clear i dont understand x

09-05-11, 14:06
Yup - most urine tests I have contain blood and/or protein and they repeat it and it is fine. Quite common I think you will find

09-05-11, 14:17
thanks nicola but the second urine test was only about 2 hours after the first one x

09-05-11, 19:40
anyone else x

09-05-11, 20:13
Hi Bronte
Yes, I had dip test at Dr's which she said was "...showing blood straight away" (which freaked me out) but when the sample was sent off - no infection.
There can be lots of reasons for trace blood in urine and nothing to worry about. Apparently it's just normal for some people. Check past posts, I did and found lots of reassurance. A lovely nurse practitioner at Marie Stopes told me it's not a sign of anything sinister.
Hope that helps

09-05-11, 20:29
what i dont understand is the same day i had a urine sample at the gp and it had blood/white blood cells and protein in 2hours later i gave them a second sample which was sent away for culture and that came back with nothing in it no white blood cells no protein and no blood how can that happen in the space of 2 hours x

09-05-11, 20:44
I have whats called leaky kidneys they work perfectly but they leak trace amounts of blood protein and white blood cells all the time - I have never had a dip test that did not show blood and often the other things as well. Every time this happens they say they have to send the sample off and it always comes back negative for infection. This was first picked up before dip stick tests when I was 19 and I am now 49 yrs old! It causes endless unecessary testing. I have had ultrasound and bloods and even a dye x ray of my kidneys over the years and they work fine.

Visible blood in urine is what you need to bother about not the invisible sort!