View Full Version : Beautiful Butterfly's In My Chest ... NOT ...

09-05-11, 17:50
Hi My Beautiful Friends
does any one ever have fluttering of the chest i get it for like 5 seconds then it goes then it comes back i constantly spend half the day waiting for it to come back again it scares the life outta me :weep: like i cant catch my breath is this just another anxiety symptom ??? i also get pain under my left breast is this another anxiety sypmtom to ??? i also feel numb my whole body like i cant feel a thing then i jolt outta my skin ! Some body please comment i need to know im not alone on this 1 im so scared i need to put my mind to rest :( asap ! and get rid of these stupid flippin thoughts in my head i worry about worrying then worry some more because im worrying :( This stupid thing i woke up with never seems to leave me alone its like i have anxiety 24/ 7 :mad: Love to you all :hugs:

09-05-11, 18:26
hi,im also experiencing all that..it's normal... read other threads here im sure you'll find it quite helpful,try relaxing and breathe properly it will help.. :)

10-05-11, 22:22
I feel these butterfly feelings too!

They're really strange and, I don't feel like i'm going to die so I don't think they're panic attacks, but it does feel like something is majorly wrong with my heart. They tend to go again quite quickly though, so I just try and ignore them and carry on with whatever I'm doing...


10-05-11, 22:44
I get them as well, and millions other wierd sensations, horrible