View Full Version : surely it cant be anxiety?

09-05-11, 18:06
i have been suffering with various symptoms for about 2 months now.

lightheaded (esp feeling groggy in the morning)
neck pain
mild headaches

i have been to docs who gave me various medications which i stopped taking cause i was getting side effects. i have been booked in for a appt wth neurologist but have to wait until 02nd june. i have had a eye test and tht came back ok. i was worried about brain tumor. my doc assures me its anxiety tht is the problem.

thing is i feel generally not too bad. no palpatations,no panic attacks but still these wierd sensations of lightheadedness and nausea. so now i am asking myself if there is really something wrong and anxiety is not the cause.

if it was anxiety surely i would have the other problems to go with it?

my blood test is good,my docs check ups have been fine,my eye test was good. but still i worry! :(

09-05-11, 19:28
Hi Mike,

I've had simillar probs on and off to what you've described and I like you was convinced it wasn't anxiety and that it had to be something else it wasnt right...but then after have loads of tests etc and a ct scan all of which came back fine - I had two ways to go, keep dwelling on the fact that there WAS something wrong with me which makes you feel worse or pick myself up and start thinking positive and telling myself that im fine - I did the later...and low and behold a couple of weeks on and all the symptoms have disappeared..and most of the time I feel fine :)

You tend to see and especially with everyone on here - how many various symptoms anxiety can make you feel, and that is what it is - I never believed it myself but when I decided to accept it because I knew that every day I spent worrying I was actually wasting precious time - It all started to get better and Im sure your the same you'll be fine - just keep thinking positive its really worked for me and Im so much happier than I was a few weeks ago and yay no headaches! :yesyes:

09-05-11, 19:45
It surely can! I had nearly the same symptoms that started about a year ago and went on for months. My doc said it was anxiety....i didn't believe him. Was put on meds for vertigo because i had such bad lightheadedness, had full blood work done (all fine!). I finally booked a private consultation with an ENT doctor. Again, all fine. The ENT told me that he has seen a load of patients with similar symptoms who were in fact suffering from anxiety. He believed though that, for my peace of mind, i should have a CAT scan ( i thought i must have a tumour/MS). CAT scan results showed nothing wrong. FINALLY after months of worry i accepted it was anxiety and slowly, but surely, my symptoms started to fade.

10-05-11, 09:28
I too have been suffering with exactly the same symptoms as you and I can assure you that its all anxiety...although I know from bitter experience thats it hard to believe that when your going through it!

The neck pain and headaches were the worst for me and I've also got shoulder and chest pain too, all on my right side. But i'm feeling a bit more positive the past few days and the pains do seem to be subsiding. The headache / nausea have almost gone completely.

I'm looking into have a deep tissue massage to try and free up my tense and knotted muscles and hopefully this will make me feel a lot better.

So in answer too your question...most definitely yes, anxiety causes all those symptoms and more!

18-06-11, 15:51
exactly the same symptoms here too..constantly lightheaded..had blood tests, MRI scan, eye tests..all clear, but still I get eye floaters and I feel dizzy..doc's say it's anxiety..I know it's nothing serious, but I'm fed up of it..Christers post gives me hope..maybe I should just force myself to stop worrying..problem is, I still feel this way even if I'm not worrying! Must be in my subconscious

18-06-11, 15:58
Hiya - sounds like anxiety , the thing is you are worried about your health so you will tell your brain that its somthing terrible and then your brain will play tricks on you and then your symptoms get worse - once u realise its anxiety u will feel better ..perhaps u should take the medication

18-06-11, 16:02
It is very hard to believe its anxiety i am in shock because the dizzy symptoms which for me are the worst are quite scary and odd and you just cant seem to put your finger on the cause of it so your mind goes into over drive and this makes things worse - much worse - once u get the all clear in regards to your health you will feel better