View Full Version : anxiety symptoms sickness and diahorrhea

09-05-11, 22:17
Just wondering if anyone has has these symptoms. These symptoms have only happened in the last couple of months,

If I for example get some bad news or something close to my heart heart upsets me I am physically sick due to it. I can't keep it down, it's instant.

The same also happens when a certain subject in my life is mentioned and it feels like my heart drops and I have a sinking feeling, usually if I panic that I have been lied to or deceived, I have to rush to the loo, and have very very bad diaorrhea. :blush:

Does anyone have symptoms similar to this / or any advice on how I control this, I can't seem to calm my self down in time to stop it from happening.:unsure:

09-05-11, 22:45
My auntie has had this exact prob for years, if she gets emotional over certain things she vomits or is running the loo every five mins, the thing with anx is it does upset the stomach but you could run it by your doc just to give you peace of mind.

di x

09-05-11, 22:52
thank you for that. I do want to stop it before it becomes a regular thing, at the moment I'm at home constantly so not much of a problem just don't want to be caught out when I start to leave the house. x

10-05-11, 09:04
does anyone have any tips on how to selax before I get like this as it is not likely I will go to a doctor?
Many Thanks x

10-05-11, 09:28

10-05-11, 09:36
I get that if i'm so so anxious and have no med to take if in a situation I can't afoid, I don't be sick but I feel like im gonna throw up, I just get aweful nausea. And my stomach goes crazy.

I just walk round the room, or take slow breaths, mainly do something to distract me, the more a worry about it I get worse,

12-05-11, 23:02
Hi thanks for the advice, I did try it today thought it worked then 5 mins later out of the blue I was sick again, don't think i was stressed then?- gonna keep an eye on it for triggers etc...

13-05-11, 03:13
Hi. I used to suffer from agoraphobia but for a couple of months now I have been suffering from general anxiety as well as agoraphobia (lucky me). Anyway, in answer to your question I have started retching and being sick when I'm anxious and I also have an upset tummy almost every day. I am certain it's due to the anxiety in my case and like you I don't want this to become the norm, although it sems to be the norm at the moment unfortunately. I find that I feel LESS sick if I have eaten (even if it's just a piece of toast) and I find that eating a sugary sweet seems to help.

paula lynne
13-05-11, 10:38
I agree with Shoegal, try to eat something light before going out. Also, I find mints really help with the nausea....extra strong mints are great and make your mouth feel fresh. TC, Paula x

24-05-11, 23:38
thank you both- will give the mints and sweets ago- although i do find those extra strong ones veeerrrry hot!!!!!:eek:

26-05-11, 10:18
Yoga? or some deep breathing and counting and stretching to start the morning, nothing too much, just some good stretches and make yourself RELAX in the morning, tic tacs have helped me, bachs rescue remedy, not a miracle but i like the taste! distraction....try really hard to think of something else...someone suggested on here that they sing 10 green bottles!! ive been trying that!