View Full Version : What is this?

09-05-11, 22:54
The last few weeks I have been plagued with HA -the disease of choice being MND.
However just as this fear was fading a bit as I managed to convince myself that my arms and legs would not be so strong if I had it-another fear emerges!
I was poking about my foot this morning and under my ankle bone felt a tiny (i mean about 1mm sized) hard bump on one of the little bones.
Tonight I was pressing on it a bit and I don't know if this is co incidence or what but now my big toe area has a kind of pins and needles feeling-rather like something is wrapped around the toe. So now these nearological fears have returned :-(

10-05-11, 01:15
It's good that you recognise your HA 80schild. From what you describe, I think it's highly unlikely to be a serious neurological disease, but I'm not a doctor, so if these odd sensations continue see your GP who can refer you if necessary to a neurologist.

Many of these symptoms are born out of anxiety, worry, stress etc, and I've found switching off and breaking the pattern greatly diminishes them.

Hope you feel better soon.