View Full Version : Funny taste in my mouth

10-05-11, 00:39
When I have been having recent anxiety attacks, I try to drink water and it creates a funny taste in my mouth...almost like copper.

Does anyone else experience this? What is it?


paula lynne
10-05-11, 00:42
Hi I get it, and when I breath in, the air seems warm.......I think its to do with the fact your brain is concentrating on the important bits during a panic (heart, lungs...bowels :ohmy:) and so your sense of taste, touch, sight, and hearing are all impared temporarily. Its common and wont harm you in any way.
Paula x

10-05-11, 00:52
Thanks Paula, thats good to know. Do you find it impossible to eat and drink anything whilst having an attack?

paula lynne
10-05-11, 00:59
Oh yes, due to the fact Im either feeling sick or being sick....sorry, too much info. After it peaks and I feel my breathing begin to slow, I know Im coming out of it, and then Im able to take some water. Also, I find mints really helpful and this point, makes my mouth begin to feel normal. Eating isnt a good idea to be honest, as the body will naturally try and get rid of any food either through vomit or out the other way :blush: due to the action of adrenaline (good old flight or fight!)

By allmeans take sips of water as soon as you are able. And dont worry about the copper taste.:)