View Full Version : THis site is grrreat!!!

10-05-11, 01:04
:yesyes: Hi I haven't been on here before but it is like coming home - unfortunately! I first had a dizzy attack in Dec 1985 and this has grown into health anxiety. It's not really much better but thankfully the panic attacks are pretty much gone! Although I know I shouldn't Google my symptoms believe me it would've been some comfort especially as a 13 year old. I believe most of you are in the USA but HEALTH ANXIETY is tragically alive and well (or maybe unwell!) in Scotland.

I want other people to make the most of their lives because I'm 39 now and have barely lived. I use the excuse that I have to look after my Mum (who has MS) as a way of avoiding everything! And, yes I've had MRI scans because I was convinced I had it too. Because my doctor's file is so huge I notice they have trouble believing me and it took years to be diagnosed with gallstones and boy that pain was REAL!!!

There are so many people with great advice on here but for all of us with this horrendous fear, we need to learn to believe that we're really ok and aren't about to drop down dead. Rationally we know but that evil, inner voice just doesn't want to go away:mad:

Whatever you do don't self-medicate. I became an alcoholic (probably something to do with my Celtic genes!) and it's been hell to get off it even with professional help. I'm going to use that great bit of advice and turn my health fixation into a positive ie stop smoking, exercise more, eat well etc and give myself a 2 week rule before visiting a doctor with a list of symptoms. This will have to wait till after next week cos I'm going on Thursday but just for routine results, so I'll forgive myself!!
Much love to all those still suffering because I wouldn't wish this hell on anyone!:bighug1:

paula lynne
10-05-11, 01:11
Hi and welcome aboard! Thank you for your honest and thought-provoking post. Its great to have you with us! :welcome:
Paula x

10-05-11, 01:23
:winks: thanks Paula
After all my surfing I can't beieve this is the first time I've seen this site and also the butterfly you posted has special significance for me so I hope that's a good sign!
Pyevic x:ohmy:

paula lynne
10-05-11, 01:29
Thanks! Nice to meet you ...the butterfly has 2 meanings. First, it reminds me of my mum who I miss. Also, it reminds me that its possible for caterpillars to turn into butterflies.....change is possible for us all, its within us. A lot of your post resonated with me and Im also going through periods of alcohol dependance...especially when depressed. Am trying to break the cycle, and remind myself I can control "it", "it" doesnt control me, unless I give "it" permission! Ok, enough rambling.......great to have you with us x
Paula x:)

10-05-11, 03:43
Hi Lyn, Change is possible for us all - just reading this helps to give me abit of hope, i really want my life to be different and to try for change instead of being in a cycle of pain and gloom x