View Full Version : 2 days!!!!!!!

17-04-06, 11:54
hey all,
2 days till i go on hols now and gosh im not doing good at all!!! havent slept in 4 days now, cant seem to keep any food down either! sorry for moanin just feelin fed up! :(

17-04-06, 12:30
hi there.sorry to hear ur not feeling to good.where r u going on ur hols??i myself get really worked up before going on holiday but once im there i find i relax and enjoy it!!!try and be positive im sure u will have a great time!(((hugs)))))) luv mooxXx

17-04-06, 12:44

Give me the chance to even go on hoilday .. and that would make me smile a bit.. i can never afford to even go... just to get away from this area would be relif in a way..your be fine.. once ya there love.. its not easy when ya feel safe in your home and surroundings i know.


17-04-06, 12:50

What is it that scares you the most?

I am off in 13 days....................... the big countdown - apprehensive but keeping calm.


........life is for living not just for surviving

17-04-06, 12:58
you will do this ammeg , but dont be too hard on yourself if you struggle. you can be too too hard on your wee self

of course this is gonna be hard but you will get there with the help of good family and a great partner

thinking of you


17-04-06, 14:34
thanx all!!
Sillymoo- i am going to cyprus me sisters getting married out there!!
Ashley- I didnt want to go abroad- dont like it much- but had to go as i only have 1 sister- wasnt too happy partin with the money either!!!
Dark angel- me has to leave me dog tommorow- i know it sounds silly- thats gonno be the hardest bit, i am not really to scared of going on the plane etc and i know i will enjoy once im there, so i dont know!!!
Jackie- hey me irish lassie- cant help but be hard on me, get soooo fed up!! Thanx hun!!

17-04-06, 14:37
i wish you all the best

........life is for living not just for surviving

17-04-06, 22:23
Hey congradulations, I really hope you have the time of your life in Cyprus.

Try to focus more on the positive sides of the holiday, like the wedding, sun, beach, relaxation etc. I am so jealous that you are going on holiday now, I'm fed up with the British weather although we are going to Egpyt for two weeks in July and August, looking forward to it!

Good luck, don't forget to send a post card!

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 23:59
hi ammeg, cyprus is nice, safe and friendly, hope you have a good time, tc .. andrew

18-04-06, 08:46
Thanx all!!!
feelin ok today still aint slept (5 nites now) and cant keep food down but i know i can do this!!! droppin dog of today- only goin for a week but its gonno be hard leavin her- i got her when i was first diagnosed with agrophobia and ive never been away from her! but its only a week!! dont know if i will come on here 2moz- if i dont
thanx 4 all the messages every1- take care of urselves while im gone!!!

18-04-06, 12:43
Hi Gem,
Dont be scared hun you will be fine. An your dog will be fine she will have a great time too.
Stop worrying an look forward to the wedding.
If i dont speak to you before have a great time hun.
Sorry i havent been around much.
your stace xxxxx
