View Full Version : Long term anxiety

10-05-11, 07:01
Hello all, this is my first post to this forum and I'm hoping someone can help me out and provide a little reassurance.

I'm in my late 20s. I was born in England and moved to Canada when I was about 7 with my mother and grandparents on her side. I never knew my dad.

I was very close to my family. We were happy, there was lots of love between us and my Grandpa was better than any dad I could ask for.

Since my early years in school I was bullied and teased to no end by the other kids. It was never physical, was never in a fight, but the teasing and tormenting persisted for years. A couple of school changes in attempt to curtail the bullying helped little.

Teachers did very little to stop the bullies and it wasn't until about Grade 10 (12 grades here in Canada) that it stopped when the other students were finally worried about their own grades. But sadly the damage was already done.

Just like growing up learning English, I grew up learning to never trust my peers. I learned to become extremely self-conscious, always worried that people were judging me. I withdrew, made very few friends and struggled to complete school, although I did graduate with the rest of my class.

During all this bullying my mother was diagnosed with Asthma. After a year of asthma treatment that failed to work the doctors clued in and determined it was lung cancer. I basically spent two years watching her die. I was 11 when she died.

After spending a few years in foster care during which time my grandpa passed away, I moved back with my grandma. It wasn't but two years later that she died. I was working at a local store and shortly after she died I was let go. The boss wouldn't explain why, but I figured the secretary didn't like me and was setting me up. I won the wrongful dismissal suit and was awarded a few months wages. This was in 2002.

Since then I have had my own small business which I had to close after a couple of years and I have worked for a few other small stores, all of which ended with a layoff due to lack of business.

It was a bumpy ride. Just as I'd settle into one job it seemed like it ended.

I attempted to get some counselling but I didn't seem to get anywhere with it. Just not the right fit I suppose.

After a few months of searching for work I finally found a job I thought I would like at a decent wage. 5 months in I suspected that some of the used products I was asked to sell were stolen. For someone who holds honesty and integrity very highly, this was very stressful for me. Again, since business was slow I had my hours cut then I was let go.

During this time I was feeling some very bad dizziness and balance issues which has persisted off and on for close to a year to this date. It's causing me great concern but so far the scans and tests have come up clean.

I've never received any effective grief counselling, never dealt with my anxiety and still let my anxiety control most aspects of my life. I'm anxious around my friends, I'm anxious around my family (my former foster parents) and because of all the bullying in my past I constantly fear that even my friends are judging me.

I know a lot of my fears and phobias are irrational, but I don't know how to put them behind me. I sometimes wonder if I will ever be able to. So many of my fears of being judged were learned at a young age and I compare it to learning your native tongue when you grow up. You grow up with it and it shapes you. It becomes part of you and you use it every day. You can't un-learn English and I fear that I won't be able to un-learn my phobias.

What do you think about the idea that my dizziness problems are caused by my untreated, long-running anxiety problems? Any tips on how to deal with this? I really can't afford counselling at the moment so I need to try and push through this so I can get on with my life.

Thanks for reading.

10-05-11, 11:22
Hi Sebbles,

Welcome to NMP. :-)

Just wanted to send you a :hugs:

You've been through a lot.
I am very dizzy with my anxiety most of the time, it never seems to go. Even when I'm relaxed and not anxious I still feel dizzy, its rubbish!!
I know its much easier said than done, but I try not to focus or think about the dizziness, if I do it gets worse.
I'm not having any counselling at the moment as there is a long waiting list on the NHS but I have started doing some online CBT courses, there are some good ones talked about on this site, I would post a link to it, but I haven't got a clue how! It might help you to try and change your thought pattern (again easier said than done) I've always been a very negative thinker and it has helped me.
I use rescue remedy to help with the anxiety(can't take anti-depressants as the side effects are always horrific), don't know if it is available in Canada, but it is for sale in the NMP shop. I also take a bottle of water/squash with me always, don't really know why that helps me, but it does.
Just wanted to say you are not alone and you will get through this. This site is great, talking and reading other peoples posts that are all in the same boat provides great reassurance.
Take care. Xx

10-05-11, 17:34
It's no wonder you've got anxiety problems anyone would having gone through such a troubled young life.
Dizzyness is a symptom of anxiety so if your physical checks are clear then it would seem to suggest that's where it's coming from.
You talk about learning your phobias like you would learn a language, that's a good analogy because our thought patterns are so ingrained into us it's like you say a mother tongue. You might not be able to unlearn your phobias but you can certainly override them with positive thoughts. You'll never forget the awful experiences you went through and how they affected your emotions for a long time afterward but you may be able to come to a place where you can remember but not practice that type of thinking.

11-05-11, 01:58
Hi Sebbles

I'm not surprised your anxious having been through such a lot. Your dizziness could well be anxiety related. When my symptoms are bad I try anything that is likely to reduce my overall feelings of anxiety. I find relaxation tapes or CDs quite good. I also take plenty of exercise - usually going for long walks when I can.

I know you can't afford counselling, but are there any other options such as self-help groups locally? If you could find a bereavement support group (we have a group called CRUSE in the UK) or an anxiety support group that you could go to it may help. It's always good to meet others in similar circumstances, it helps you feel less isolated and you can share ideas and coping strategies.

Best wishes