View Full Version : Pregnancy and citralopram

10-05-11, 07:15
I have taken citalopram for years and its been my saviour - however last year I went on hols and forgot my pills and didn't take them all week and felt fine so decided to stop them, bad mistake !

I have gotten increasingly more anxious over the last few months and am also 15 weeks pregnant and feeling really anxious every day. I have a packet left and decided to start them again, so had one yesterday and felt awful for a few hours so took myself off to bed, feel ok this morning and actually feel really calm.

I know they are ok in pregnancy as I took them with my 2 year old and all through breastfeeding. But just wondered if anyone else has stopped and started a few months later ?

I forgot how bad the side effects could be but also know that the pros outweigh the cons and my head is feeling "less caring" already after one tablet. Could this be as I took them for years before ? as I know it normally takes a couple of week to kick in xx

10-05-11, 10:16
I would talk to your doctor, you should check in case the side effects will affect the pregnancy rather than the medication itself. They might want to do check ups more often.

12-05-11, 19:24
no its not safe to take during pregancy according to my doctor, im planning to start a family and have been told not to until i have came of cit completely, he said it would affect the development of baby lungs. i read though that other doctors have okayed its cit use during pregancy which it makes it all the more confusing! :doh:

18-05-11, 16:03
i was on them for a year,and came off them for 3 months,im currently 3 months pregnant,and have been advised to go back on them,as the way i feel off them is more risk,due to stress it can course baby,if moms not happy neither is the baby,doctor said its better to take them,than to be off them,and that advice was given to few other people who are pregnant and had been taking them ,so go to your doctor,they will wont to keep extra eye on you,but risk is 0.01 in every 486.000 ,if it means mom is happy ,then that will in turn help your pregnancy and baby,i ended up with post natal dep with my last child,so i wanted to try be as relaxed and happy as possible thru this pregnancy