View Full Version : tight chest

17-04-06, 12:17
last night i felt really bad...tight chest, sweating, panicky, shortness of breath thought i was gonna have a heart attack..today i feel better but spacey and out of sorts...maybe im havin a bad few days...does this sound like anxiety??

17-04-06, 12:26
Hi and welcome to the site. Yes sound very like anxiety to me I get this so regular and the breathlessness can be frightening. I have had these attacks in the past and as you say you can feel spaced and drained for days or even weeks after a bad attack. I found distraction and changing the way we think helps lots, if I feel an attack coming on now I think hard of nice things and remember it’s all happened before and it’s only me causing these problems. Thinking and affirmations, saying to yourself over and over you are healthy and well isn’t easy but it does work in time. Hope you feel better soon. Vernon

17-04-06, 13:00
ajuk it better be or im dying right now. ive had bad chest for three days now along with terrible sweating and nausea. i have been told many times it is anxiety

yuo are not alone in this one


17-04-06, 15:17
me too - ive been having chest pains for the last 24 hours or so...so bad that i went to a&e this morning as i thought my right lung had collapsed. turns out it hadnt so all the docs and i can think is that it is anxiety. normally get left sided pains with PA's so this has weirded me right out for the day now.
but yes, chest pains are very usual for anxiety altho it does take alittle time to get your mindset on that path....tis worth it tho, trust me

hope u feel better