View Full Version : hi i am nadia and suffer bad panic attacks every day

10-05-11, 10:30
hi i suffer from realy bad panic attacks every day sometimes more than once in a day and feel they last a very long time and cant stop thinking about it after and am on edge till the next one hits and always feel i am going to die usealy if i get chest pains or anything that feels diffrent it triggers them headachs stomach pains even bad wind pains start them then i am scared to sleep incase i die in my sleep i take my pulse to the minute to check it is 60 beats per minute or between that and 120 i worry that if something happens i may not get help fast and die i need help to stop this so any one who feels any of this please post me a reply as i have three kids and need to put a stop to it i also get these attacks when i think of people dying usealy my mother or father as they give me all my support right now and i love them dearly and fell i will drop dead the minute they do dose any one else feel like this please help if you can

10-05-11, 10:32
Hi nadiepoo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-05-11, 10:34
Hi Nadia. I worry about dropping down dead as well. I've also become obessed with checking my pulse all the time and worrying if I have a heart condition. Like you, I also worry dearly about losing a close loved one. If you want to talk or ask me anything, just reply to this.

10-05-11, 10:43
hi i am glad someone else feels like this it makes it easyer to now there is someone out there like me i fear this may affect my kids when they see me like this so try to hide it sometimes this makes it worse i feel it is time to do something about it an hope that hearing other people talking about going through the same feelings and thoughts is going to help me do you worry about not being close to hospitals and not getting an ambulance fast if anything was to happen

10-05-11, 10:59
Yes I have had exactly the same thoughts. Sometimes I think about how long it would take an ambulance to get to me and sometimes I feel the only time I am safe is when I'm at the doctors etc because there are people there who could help me if anything bad happeneds. I also wonder if I would know if anything bad was going to happen and when would be best to ring an ambulance. Do you do this as well?

I'm new to this site today and I've only had some replies off people about my anxiety and it has already seemed to help me.

10-05-11, 11:04
Do you also feel like you cant be on your own in case anything happens? I get this alot and don't like to be at home on my own.

10-05-11, 20:58
I became obsessed I was going to die in such a short time. My first panic attack (only in Jan this year) I ended up in a & e as I was convinced I was having a heart attack, I couldn,t breath, and had hyperventilated causing my body to spasm it was so scary, but I was quickly dismissed with a paper bag, not knowing what the hell had gone on. It is the most intense feeling in the world and mine came out of the blue. I have 4 kids, 3 at home and felt exactly the same, that I needed to get a grip, but I couldn,t. I was having loads of attacks a day only lasting max 10 mins but the anxiety afterwards was intense and lasted for hours until the next attack. I have tried lots of self help things, which do help, well some but a few times I have taken Beta blockers which my dr gave me if I felt I couldn,t cope as my worse symptom is feeling like I can,t breath. They do help tbh, but the best thing for me was acupuncture but it,s expensive. Hope you feeling better soon.